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TorinoFilmLab franchit le seuil des 100 films terminés


- Avec Maternal et The Fever, le labo international a accueilli 101 productions en tout au sein de ses programmes de développement, production et distribution

TorinoFilmLab franchit le seuil des 100 films terminés
The Fever de Maya da Rin

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It’s time to celebrate at TorinoFilmLab (TFL). The international laboratory has crossed the threshold of 100 completed films with Maternal [+lire aussi :
interview : Maura Delpero
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by Maura Delpero (Italy/Argentina) and The Fever [+lire aussi :
interview : Maya Da-Rin
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by Maya da Rin (Brazil/Germany/France), two debut features directed by female filmmakers that are set to premiere in the International Competition of the 72nd Locarno Film Festival (7-17 August 2019).

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Maternal is the only Italian production that has been selected in Locarno’s International Competition. The first fiction feature by Italian-born, Argentinian-based filmmaker Maura Delpero is set in an Italian religious centre for teenage mothers in Buenos Aires (see the news). It was recently awarded with the 2019 TFL Audience Design Fund, the TFL’s distribution scheme for international co-productions between Europe and the rest of the world. The award consists of a €40,000 distribution grant to support the release in three territories. The team behind the film will also benefit from an Audience Design consultation session with TFL experts in order to work on innovative strategies to reach audiences, and will take part in the 2019 TFL Meeting Event, TFL’s co-production forum attended by more than 200 industry delegates, organised in Turin from 21-23 November.

The Fever is the first feature by Brazilian filmmaker Maya Da-Rin, born in Rio de Janeiro, and is being produced by Tamanduá Vermelho (Brazil) and Enquadramento Produçoes (Brazil), in co-production with Komplizen Film (Germany) and Still Moving (France). It follows the story of Justino, a 45-year-old Amerindian living in Manaus, an industrial city surrounded by the Amazon rainforest. In the grip of a high fever, he starts dreaming about a creature wandering through the forest. On television, the news talks about a wild animal prowling around the neighbourhood. Justino believes he is being followed, but he is not sure whether it is by an animal or by a man. The project was developed at the 2015 ScriptLab and the 2016 FeatureLab, and was awarded a TFL production grant of €50,000 through the TFL Co-Production Fund.

Since 2008, when its activities began, the TorinoFilmLab has supported more than 350 feature-film and TV-series projects at the development stage and has awarded €4,900,000 in aid of their production and distribution. With Maternal and The Fever, TFL has seen a total of 101 completed productions – by filmmakers from 49 countries – take part in its development, production and distribution schemes. Said pictures premiered in the most important film festivals and were released successfully around the world: no fewer than 22 films were selected at Cannes, 15 at the Berlinale, 13 at Venice and nine at Locarno. The list of these festival favourites includes Touch Me Not [+lire aussi :
interview : Adina Pintilie
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(Adina Pintilie, Berlinale 2018 – Golden Bear for Best Film, GWFF Award for Best First Feature), A Land Imagined [+lire aussi :
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(Yeo Siew Hua, Locarno Film Festival 2018 – Golden Leopard) and Port Authority [+lire aussi :
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(Danielle Lessovitz, Un Certain Regard at Cannes 2019), among many others.

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