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SÉVILLE 2019 SEFF Industria

Séville sélectionne dix projets pour la rencontre Coproductions européennes


- En tout, 40 projets espagnols et italiens ont été soumis pour la 1re édition de cet événement professionnel organisé dans le cadre du festival andalou

Séville sélectionne dix projets pour la rencontre Coproductions européennes
Le réalisateur Bonifacio Angius, dont le projet Confiteor a été sélectionné

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

After the call for projects was opened a few weeks ago (see the news), the first edition of the Seville European Film Festival’s European Coproductions Meeting, dedicated to facilitating joint efforts between the Spanish and Italian film industries, received 40 applications. Ten of these have been selected to vie for the prizes set to be handed out by the event – namely, the Seville Festival Award (endowed with €3,000 in cash) and the Arte Sonora (Sound Art) Prize (worth €5,000 in post-production services).

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

Standing out among the projects, which hail from both Spain and Italy, are the new efforts by directors of the likes of Italy’s Bonifacio Angius (who was in competition at Locarno in 2014 with his feature debut, Perfidia [+lire aussi :
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, and who introduced his sophomore feature, Wherever You Are [+lire aussi :
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, at Turin last year), and Spaniards Marina Seresesky (whose first film, The Open Door [+lire aussi :
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, was welcomed enthusiastically both nationally and internationally in 2016), Javier Marco Rico and Carlo d'Ursi (who are preparing their eagerly awaited first features).

Each of the ten projects will be presented on Wednesday 13 November in front of a jury comprising professionals Antonio Pérez (Maestranza Films and Suroeste Films), Sara Santaella (Arte Sonora Studios) and Laura Pugno (the Italian Cultural Centre in Madrid), and will benefit from one-to-one meetings with those participating in the event.

The director of the festival, José Luis Cienfuegos, hailed the success of this initiative and noted that it will be repeated in the coming years, but with other guest countries. This year’s edition is being jointly organised by the recently founded Association of Andalusian Film Production Companies for Fiction, Documentary, Animation and Series (ANCINE), the Apulia Film Commission, the AGICI (General Association of Independent Film-Audiovisual Industries), the Andalucía Film Commission and the Film Department of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBACT), in association with Cineuropa.

Besides this event, the festival will host the Distribution: Make Them Circulate! conference and the think tank on European festival networking for the Moving Images - Open Borders network members, as well as the 17th Animation and Videogames Meeting, several training activities (a meeting with Romanian producer Ada Solomon and some workshops) and the Women in Focus event (in collaboration with AAMMA - Asociación Andaluza de Mujeres en los Medios Audiovisuales).

The selected projects for the European Coproductions Meeting are as follows:

Animal/humano [+lire aussi :
interview : Alessandro Pugno
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- Alessandro Pugno (Spain)
Producer: Pecado Films

Amarillo profundo - Esther Lopera Campillo, Miguel Arjona (Spain)
Producer: La Chincheta

Caleta Palace - José Antonio Hergueta (Spain)
Producer: MLK Producciones

Confiteor - Bonifacio Angius (Italy)
Producer: Il Monello Film

En nombre de la muerte, te amaré siempre - Carlo d'Ursi (Spain)
Producer: Potenza Producciones

Empieza el baile - Marina Seresesky (Spain)
Producer: Áralan Films

Itsnogame - Alex y Federico Penzo (Italy)
Producer: EDI Effetti Digitali Italiani

Josefina [+lire aussi :
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- Javier Marco Rico (Spain)
Producer: White Leaf Producciones

Piove - Gustavo Hernández (Italy)
Producer: Propaganda Italia

Quattro chicos in fuga - Chiara Rap (Italy)
Producer: Night Swim

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(Traduit de l'espagnol)

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