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L’Institut norvégien du cinéma annonce les films retenus pour son dernier lot d’aides


- Cinq projets en développement et 21 films locaux distribués dans les salles du pays ont bénéficié des programmes de financement du NFI

L’Institut norvégien du cinéma annonce les films retenus pour son dernier lot d’aides
La réalisatrice Johanna Pyykkö, soutenue pour Ebba dans le cadre du programme New Roads du NFI

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Recently, the Norwegian Film Institute (NFI) has made a series of funding announcements, including allocating support to five projects as part of the New Roads scheme and the launch of grants for the distribution of films in local cinemas.

Starting with New Roads, the NFI’s talent initiative, five feature-length projects at the development stage – two fictions, two documentaries and one drama series – have received a total of over NOK 2,575,500 (€253,700) from the institute. The aim of New Roads is to inspire and encourage innovative thinking and artistic courage among proven talents, and along with the grants for development, a letter of intent concerning production grants is also given to the recipients. A total of 20 projects were submitted to the scheme, with 70% coming from women filmmakers.

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Starting with the fiction projects, both are being made by debuting talents. More precisely, director Johanna Pyykkö, known for her short films, with her latest, The Manila Lover, premiering in the Cannes Critics’ Week, is being supported for her feature film Ebba, which follows a girl who falls in love with a man with memory loss and who tries to convince him that they are lovers. Produced by Ape & Bjørn AS, the film has received NOK 504,242 (€49,700) in grants.

For her feature film Explosions in the Heart [+lire aussi :
interview : Yenni Lee
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, director Yenni Lee, also known for her successful short films, has received NOK 400,000 (€39,500) from the NFI. The film, which is being produced by Oslo Pictures AS, is about the passionate love affair between two young people – one of whom is polyamorous.

Two established and award-winning documentary directors are receiving NFI support. The latest project by Aslaug Holm (Brothers [+lire aussi :
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), entitled Rosmary’s Story, is about the director’s Bolivian neighbour Rosmary and what happened when her husband was deported from the country. Produced by Fenris Film AS, the doc received NOK 483,050 (€47,600) in support. Also, Tommy Gulliksen (War of Art) will receive NOK 688,258 (€67,800) for his Oslo Pictures AS-produced documentary about Norwegian dancer Mona Berntsen.

Finally, the grants for drama series go to director and series creator Ina Lerner Grevstad for Svik, about Leonora, an Albanian woman who is struggling to break free from the world of Norwegian prostitution. Produced by Mer Film AS, the project received NOK 500,000 (€49,300) from the NFI.

Furthermore, the NFI is offering over NOK 28 million (€2,758,500) in launch grants for 21 Norwegian films that are being released in local cinemas in order to ensure that they will reach the widest possible audience. Among the recipients are Amundsen [+lire aussi :
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(NOK 2 million), Out Stealing Horses [+lire aussi :
interview : Hans Petter Moland
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(NOK 2 million), Psychobitch [+lire aussi :
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(NOK 1.7 million), Hope [+lire aussi :
interview : Maria Sødahl
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(NOK 1.5 million), Disco [+lire aussi :
interview : Jorunn Myklebust Syversen
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(NOK 1 million) and Swingers (NOK 1 million), while four movies – mainly children’s and family titles – received the highest possible grant of NOK 2,103,480 (€207,350). They are Askeladden – In Soria Moria Castle, Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond, Carpenter Andersen and the Village That Forgot It Was Christmas, and The Tunnel.

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