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MIDPOINT TV Launch 2020 attend ses prochains projets


- Le programme est ouvert aux équipes créatives qui développent des séries TV. Date limite d'inscription : le 31 janvier 2020

MIDPOINT TV Launch 2020 attend ses prochains projets

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

MIDPOINT TV Launch is a residential training programme for emerging talents who are developing their upcoming series. Focusing on both creative teams and development executives from the Central and Eastern European region, the programme has announced its call for projects for its 2020 edition.

With the focus being placed mainly on its Project Development Training, nine series projects – either limited or ongoing, and in either long or short format – and their creative teams, formed by the writer(s) and producer, will be selected to take part in an intensive three-module programme, running for eight months, which consists of three workshops, a project showcase and a series of online consultations.

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At the first workshop, which will be held in the Czech Republic in April 2020, the projects will be built from the “bottom up”, and the teams will receive guidance as they define their concept and theme while also drafting their pilot scripts. At the second workshop, which will run during the Sarajevo Film Festival’s CineLink in August 2020, the teams will complete their pilots along with their season arc and outlines, while a special focus on pitching and financing strategy will also be on the agenda.

Finally, at workshop number three, to be held in collaboration with Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event during the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in November 2020, the teams will hone their marketing and pitching skills in addition to expanding their network. During that event, they will also showcase and pitch their projects at the Season Finale platform, aiming to also win the $5,000 HBO Award.

The nine creative teams will work in small groups under the guidance of internationally renowned and experienced script-consultant tutors as well as their fellow participants. Furthermore, the participants will receive four sessions of online consultations with tutors in between the residential workshops.

Katarina Tomková, MIDPOINT TV Launch programme coordinator, offered her input on the new call: “We're very excited to be continuing with the training for both long- and short-form projects as well as limited and ongoing series. In the challenging CEE marketplace, it might be an interesting choice to explore the short-form series, as it offers different distribution options to the long form, which is traditionally aired on linear broadcasters, specifically in an industry that is dynamically transforming and re-inventing itself in the digital era.”

The deadline for applications is 31 January 2020. For more information, please click here.

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