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GÖTEBORG 2020 Göteborg Industry

Le Nordic Film Market de Göteborg prépare sa 21e édition


- Le grand marché scandinave est prêt à accueillir les prochains projets de Thomas Vinterberg, Magnus von Horn, Eskil Vogt, Teemu Nikki et Charlotte Blom, entre autres

Le Nordic Film Market de Göteborg prépare sa 21e édition
Another Round de Thomas Vinterberg

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

A total of 25 new feature-film projects, 16 in post-production and nine in development, will be featured and presented at the upcoming 21st edition of the Nordic Film Market, the principal hub for Nordic features, which is due to run from 30 January-2 February. Taking place during the 43rd Göteborg Film Festival (24 January–3 February), the market is a top-quality meeting and networking platform for the Scandinavian and international film industry guests attending the gathering.

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As for the selection, some of the highlights include the highly anticipated new film Another Round [+lire aussi :
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by Danish helmer Thomas Vinterberg, starring Mads Mikkelsen, while the remainder of the Danes are debutants Jonas Kærup Hjort with The Penultimate [+lire aussi :
interview : Jonas Kærup Hjort
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, Lisa Jespersen with Persona non grata [+lire aussi :
interview : Lisa Jespersen
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, and directorial duo Frederik Louis Hviid and Anders Ølhom, who will present their thriller Shorta (see the news). The local scene is represented by the sophomore feature Sweat [+lire aussi :
interview : Magnus von Horn
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by Magnus von Horn (a Polish-Swedish co-production by Mariusz Włodarski for Lava Films together with Zentropa), whose debut effort, The Here After [+lire aussi :
interview : Magnus von Horn
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, took part in the 2015 Cannes Directors’ Fortnight, and debuting writer-directors Oskar Mellander and Tord Danielsson with their horror flick The Other Side [+lire aussi :
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, inspired by real-life events, as well as Frida Kempff with her thriller Knockings.

Norway also looks to be in a strong position, as it will be coming to the market clutching four projects, with the most eagerly awaited likely being the sophomore thriller by Eskil Vogt (widely known for his collaborations with Joachim Trier, such as Thelma [+lire aussi :
interview : Eili Harboe
interview : Joachim Trier
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), The Innocents [+lire aussi :
interview : Eskil Vogt
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, which comes six years after his debut, Blind [+lire aussi :
interview : Eskil Vogt
interview : Eskil Vogt
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. Also, Charlotte Blom (Staying Alive [+lire aussi :
interview : Charlotte Blom
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) will bring along her sophomore drama, Diana's Wedding (see the news), while Yngvild Sve Flikke’s (Women in Oversized Men's Shirts [+lire aussi :
interview : Yngvild Sve Flikke
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) sophomore film is the comedy Ninjababy [+lire aussi :
interview : Kristine Kujath Thorp
interview : Yngvild Sve Flikke
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, which mixes animation and live action. The Norwegian presence is rounded off by the 2018 Haugesund Eurimages Lab Project Award winner Itonje Søimer Guttormsen, who won the gong for her debut, Gritt [+lire aussi :
interview : Itonje Søimer Guttormsen
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. From Finland, prolific director Teemu Nikki (Euthanizer [+lire aussi :
interview : Teemu Nikki
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) is bringing his upcoming A Blind Man Who Did Not Want To See Titanic to the market, while Hamy Ramezan will present his feature debut, about an Iranian family seeking asylum in Finland, Any Day Now [+lire aussi :
interview : Hamy Ramezan
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There is one project from Iceland, Lamb [+lire aussi :
interview : Valdimar Jóhannsson
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, the debut feature by Icelandic composer, musician, sound engineer, dancer, director and writer Valdimar Jóhannsson, which follows a childless couple of sheep farmers whose sheep gives birth to a creature that is half-human, half-lamb, starring Noomi Rapace. The selection of Works in Progress is rounded off by two documentaries: the political animated project Flee [+lire aussi :
interview : Jonas Poher Rasmussen
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by Danish documentarian Jonas Poher Rasmussen (What He Did), which was previously presented at Annecy, and Children of the Enemy [+lire aussi :
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by Sweden’s Gorki Glaser-Müller, which follows a woman who converted to Islam, became radicalised and later joined ISIS.

In the Discovery section, nine projects that are currently in development and are mainly by first-time filmmakers will be presented. Among others, we find Sweden’s Neil Wigardt, Jerry Carlsson, Ylva Forner and Mikael Bundsen as well as Norwegians Kristoffer Borgli (DRIB [+lire aussi :
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) and Yenni Lee with her debut, Explosions in the Heart [+lire aussi :
interview : Yenni Lee
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Here is the complete selection of projects for the 2020 Nordic Film Market:

Works in Progress

A Blind Man Who Did Not Want To See Titanic - Teemu Nikki (Finland)
Producer: Jani Pösö (It’s Alive)

Another Round - Thomas Vinterberg (Denmark)
Producers: Sisse Graum Jørgensen, Kasper Dissing (Zentropa)
Sales: TrustNordisk

Any Day Now - Hamy Ramezan (Finland)
Producer: Jussi Rantamäki (Aamu Film Company)

Gritt [+lire aussi :
interview : Itonje Søimer Guttormsen
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- Itonje Søimer Guttormsen (Norway)
Producer: Maria Ekerhovd (Mer Film)

Children of the Enemy [+lire aussi :
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- Gorki Glaser-Müller (Sweden)
Producer: Erika Malmgren (Cinenic), Kristoffer Henell (One Night Picture)

Diana’s Wedding - Charlotte Blom (Norway)
Producer: Synnøve Hørsdal (Maipo)

Flee [+lire aussi :
interview : Jonas Poher Rasmussen
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- Jonas Poher Rasmussen (Denmark)
Producers: Monica Hellström, Signe Byrge Sørensen (Final Cut for Real)
Sales: Cinephile

The Innocent - Eskil Vogt (Norway)
Producer: Maria Ekerhovd (Mer Film)

Knockings - Frida Kempff (Sweden)
Producer: Erik Andersson (LäskFilm)

Lamb [+lire aussi :
interview : Valdimar Jóhannsson
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- Valdimar Jóhannsson (Iceland)
Producer: Hrönn Kristinsdóttir (Go to Sheep)
Sales: New Europe Film Sales

Ninjababy - Yngvild Sve Flikke (Norway)
Producer: Yngve Sæther (Motlys)
Sales: TrustNordisk

The Other Side - Oskar Mellander, Tord Danielsson (Sweden)
Producer: Gila Bergqvist Ulfung (Breidablick Film)
Sales: SF Studios

The Penultimate - Jonas Kærup Hjort (Denmark)
Producer: Rikke Tambo Andersen (Tambo Film)

Persona non grata [+lire aussi :
interview : Lisa Jespersen
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- Lisa Jespersen (Denmark)
Producer: Daniel Mühlendroph (Hyæne Film)

Shorta - Frederik Louis Hviid, Anders Ølhom (Denmark)
Producers: Morten Kaufmann, Signe Leick Jensen (Toolbox Film)

Sweat - Magnus von Horn (Sweden)
Producer: Mariusz Włodarski (Lava Films, Zentropa)
Sales: New Europe Film Sales


A Light that Never Goes Out - Lauri-Matti Parppei (Finland)
Producer: Ilona Tolmunen (MADE)

Chrysanthemum - Christian Bengtson (Denmark)
Producer: Daniel Mühlendorph (Hyaene Film)

Synthetic Flowers - Neil Wigardt (Sweden)
Producers: Malin Hüber, Tobias Jansson (Story AB)

Boost! - Cecilia Torquato de Oliveria (Sweden)
Producer: Johannes Nyholm (Kvarteret)

Bränder - Jerry Carlsson (Sweden)
Producers: Frida Mårtensson, Frida Sidor (Verket Produktion)

Explosions in the Heart [+lire aussi :
interview : Yenni Lee
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- Yenni Lee (Norway)
Producers: Thomas Robsahm, Renée Mlodyszewski (Oslo Pictures)

Magisterlekarna - Ylva Forner (Sweden)
Producer: Sofia Ferguson (Silvio Fiction)

Reglerna - Mikael Bundsen (Sweden)
Producer: Isabella Rodriguez (French Quarter)

Sick of Myself [+lire aussi :
interview : Kristine Kujath Thorp
interview : Kristoffer Borgli
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- Kristoffer Borgli (Norway)
Producers: Dyveke Bjørkly Graver, Andrea Berentsen Ottmar (Oslo Pictures)

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