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Conecta Fiction aura droit à une 4e édition hybride en septembre


- L'événement, exceptionnellement renommé Conecta Fiction Reboot, est un des forums de la coproduction les plus importants pour les professionnels du film européens et latino-américains

Conecta Fiction aura droit à une 4e édition hybride en septembre

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

“Everything we used to do, plan, imagine or wish for has changed,” says the opening statement published on Conecta Fiction's official website last week. The Pamplona-based event is one of the most prominent co-production forums for European and Latin American countries, and will exceptionally take place in hybrid form this year, owing to the current COVID-19 outbreak. The 2020 edition, which was originally slated for 22-25 June, will be renamed Conecta Fiction Reboot.

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The online activities will kick off during the week of 15 June, whilst the traditional, in-person event is set to take place from 2-3 September and will host the Conecta Fiction pitching sessions, networking meetings and round-tables at the Baluarte, in Pamplona, Navarre. NICDO, the organisation in charge of the venues, will guarantee the required safety and cleaning standards. The September sessions will also be streamed online, through Conecta's dedicated platform. Moreover, this year's country in focus will be France.

In recent years, the international forum has gained prominence as an industry event hosting drama-series pitches from Latin American, European and Spanish producers.

In her official statement, Conecta Fiction director Géraldine Gonard said: “I would like to express my fondest gratitude to the Navarre Government, to the SGAE Foundation, which has accompanied us from the very beginning, to CLANA and NAPAR, and to many other collaborators and partners who keep supporting us. I would also like to thank all of you who participate one way or another in our event by sending projects, registering on our website and so on, because you are an important part of Conecta Fiction. I would encourage you to keep on working and reactivating our industry together as soon as possible.”

Conecta Fiction Reboot is being organised by Inside Content, in conjunction with NAPAR, the local producers’ and audiovisual professionals’ association. The event is also being supported by the regional government of Navarre, NICDO, SODENA and the SGAE Foundation.

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