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DOCSBARCELONA 2020 DocsBarcelona Industria

Trois fois plus de participants au marché de DocsBarcelona


- Le rendez-vous financement et développement de projets du Festival international du documentaire de Barcelone, en ligne cette année, a aussi vu croître de 52% le nombre des financeurs présents

Trois fois plus de participants au marché de DocsBarcelona

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

The 23rd Barcelona International Documentary Film Festival, which is being held from 19-31 May and whose programme is available to watch on the Filmin platform, has seen a dramatic increase in the number of people taking part in its industry sidebar this year: there have been three times the number of participants, with 52% more financiers compared to previous editions, all going online in search of projects. The standout firms among them were Netflix, HBO, Disney, Al Jazeera, Arte, Movistar Plus+ and NHK (Japan). The 55 financiers from 22 countries were able to get to know first hand 57 projects hailing from 24 different territories.

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Shining bright among them is a selection of ten that were presented in front of a panel of commissioning editors, film-fund representatives and sales agents from all over the world. They were the following: A House Made of Splinters, set to be directed by Simon Lereng (staged by Danish outfit Final Cut for Real); A Sense of Tumour by Austen McCowan and Will Hewitt (Melt the Fly, UK); East of Town by Ole Elfenkaemper and Kathrin Seward (Running Stitch, Germany); Fight by Lilit Movsisyan (Motif Films and Vie des hauts Production, Armenia/France); Finding Home by Emilie Beck (Indie Film, Norway); Hakuchu Munayta: Searching for Disney by Augusto Zegarra (Estudio Alaska 88, Peru); My Genie by Hyuckjee Park (Hiharbor Pictures, South Korea); Vitals by Félix Colomer (Forest Film Studio, Spain); Savoy by Zohar Wagner (ZW Films, Israel); and Science Fiction by trio Francisco Forbes, Matthew Barton and Ferran Romeu (Primo and Nanouk Films, Spain).

In addition, four titles at the rough-cut stage were presented in front of a committee of experts: 1001 Days, a film directed by Chloe White (produced by Fuzebox, based in the UK); Clown’s Planet by Héctor Carré (Sun Lua SL, Spain); Memorias de un tiempo eterno by Atahualpa Lichy (Yavita Cine, Venezuela); and Wardens of Memory by Klára Trencsényi (Éclipse Film Ltd, Hungary).

Around 500 individual meetings between directors, producers, sales agents and potential partners were also organised this week, and – for the first time in the history of the festival – there was a market designed specifically for documentary series in development, in which nine titles partook, six of which are European: Draw for Change!, directed by Vincent Coen and Guillaume Vandenberghe (a series produced by Belgian outfit Clin d’oeil Films); Health Matters – One Year Inside a Public Health System by Vicent Peris and Claudia Reig (Barret y Coop V, Spain); Honorable by Isaki Lacuesta (Nanouk Films, Spain); Oversea by Israel del Santo (M International Audiovisual, Spain); River of life by Enric Boch and Xavier Aldekoa (Producciones del Barrio and Muzungu Producciones Audiovisuales, Spain); and a co-production between Spain, the UK and Denmark, The Last Generation by Rune Andersen and Natalie Haft (Padi Productions SL, Troy TV and Melt Motion).

Furthermore, four European festivals specialising in the documentary genre – DocsBarcelona, FIPADOC, MakeDox and DOK.fest München – have just signed a cooperation agreement that will build bridges between the German, French, Spanish and Balkan countries’ film industries. FestDocsNetwork, as the programme is called, will attempt to strengthen the impact of these festivals on the industry and the public, thus guaranteeing the internationalisation of their respective film industries.

This collaboration will enable the annual exchange of a minimum of two documentaries from these territories among the network’s different member festivals, an opportunity that ensures that two Spanish productions will be premiered at these European film gatherings. The network will also make it easier for directors (both male and female), industry professionals and experts to travel around the four festivals (while taking part in Q&As, master classes, round-tables, juries and tutoring programmes), and will facilitate knowledge exchange concerning the management of these events, in order to shore up the European documentary ecosystem.

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(Traduit de l'espagnol)

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