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L’industrie du film bulgare reprend les tournages


- Des consignes pour l’industrie par rapport aux mesures de prévention de la propagation du Covid-19 ont été émises par le Centre national de la cinématographie bulgare

L’industrie du film bulgare reprend les tournages

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

According to the latest announcement by the Bulgarian National Film Center, at the end of May, the Bulgarian Ministry of Health issued safety guidelines on how to relaunch filming in the country. Every set should follow a series of measures in order to ensure the safety of cast and crew.

The measures start with testing, as all cast and crew should provide a negative SARS-CoV-2 test no more than three days prior to their first day of work, and the tests should be repeated every eighth day after they begin working. Sets are now also fairly restricted areas: no visitors are allowed apart from essential cast and crew, who must still keep a distance of 2 metres between one another at all times, apart from when this is unavoidable. Additionally, all team members on set should consider adhering to social distancing rules outside of the production.

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Furthermore, personal hygiene rules are mandatory during filming. Everyone should duly wash their hands with soap and water every hour, while hand-disinfection stands with gel will be placed near the facilities and on set. Disinfection is also applicable when shooting on location or in outdoor spaces, especially when filming is taking place in public places, where spraying is the suggested method. Sound stages, vehicles, workspaces, equipment, costumes and props should also be properly disinfected every time, depending on their use.

Regarding personal protection, every crew member is obliged to wear a mask or some other kind of shield while on indoor sets, so that their mouth and nose are both covered. The same protection measures are recommended for outdoor work as well. For all cast members, stunt doubles and extras, the same rule applies, so they must also wear masks or other shields when they are not on camera. As is to be expected, people who have symptoms should notify the production and stay at home, and of course, people who are already sick will not be permitted on set.

Finally, in case of possible exposure to COVID-19 on set, the production should immediately arrange tests for the whole cast and crew, and disinfect all potentially infected areas. As is explained in detail on the Bulgarian National Film Center’s website, all members of the production on set must comply with these precautions, and those who violate or refuse to follow them will be excluded from filming.

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(Traduit de l'anglais)

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