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L’incitation à la production des Pays-bas dédie 8,2M € à son 2e lot d’aides pour 2020


- En tout, huit longs-métrages de fiction, six documentaires et cinq séries TV de qualité ont reçu le soutien du programme hollandais

L’incitation à la production des Pays-bas dédie 8,2M € à son 2e lot d’aides pour 2020
Les réalisateurs Steve McQueen et Bianca Stigter, dont le documentaire Occupied City a obtenu 1 375 323 euros

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

A total of eight feature-length fiction films, six documentaries, three drama series, one animated series and one documentary series have been granted the Netherlands Film Production Incentive. The total amount of €8.2 million will be divided among the 19 productions, 12 of which are international co-productions. The contributions are expected to generate more than €35 million in production expenditure in the Netherlands.

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The highest amount of €1,375,323 was granted to the documentary Occupied City by Steve McQueen and Bianca Stigter, about two parallel worlds in Amsterdam, showing how the past is always present. The doc is being produced by Dutch outfit Family Affair Films and Lammas Park from the UK.

The fiction feature boasting the highest contribution is Moroccan Wedding by Johan Nijenhuis. The production, telling a story about living in between cultures, was granted €660,172. The film is being produced by Johan Nijenhuis & Co. Remy van Heugten’s feature Mascot [+lire aussi :
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received the second-highest contribution, with a total of €604,325. The movie, which is being produced by Bind & Willink and Savage Film from Belgium, is about a misfit hooligan called Jeremy, who is struggling to detach from his mother’s affection. Other features awarded backing are The Dam by Brett Michael Innes (€51,525, Revolver Amsterdam and Dark Waters Productions from South Africa), Huda’s Salon [+lire aussi :
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by Hany Abu-Assad (€64,575, KeyFilm and H&A Productions from the USA), Krazy House by Steffen Haars and Flip van der Kuil (€526,995, Kaap Holland Film), MNK Boy by Mete Gümürhan (€239,724, Circe Films, Kaap Holland Film, Germany’s Leitwolf Filmproduktion and Turkey’s Liman Film), Perfect Strangers by Will Koopman (€540,528, Millstreet Films) and Bob Wilber’s Casa Coco (€306,168, Greenfield Film Productions).

In addition to Occupied City, five other documentaries will receive financial contributions, including The Coriolis Effect by Petr Lom (€83,078, ZIN Documentaire and Norway’s Ten Thousand Images), a poetic movie about our world and how it is derailing. Other projects include Marc Schmidt’s Dear Destiny (€68,000, Basalt Film and Norwegian producer Fuglene), The New World by Petra Lataster-Czisch (€87,533, Stichting L&F Producties), O by Pim Zwier (€53,394, Moondocs), and A Way to B by Jos de Putter and Clara van Gool (€103,800, DOXY and Spain’s Efimero Films), about the Catalonian integrated dance ensemble La Troca.

Five high-end TV series were also included in this round, with the highest contribution of €1,445,488 going to Childhood Dreams by Bram Schouw. The series, produced by Topkapi TV, follows four children from a Dutch family, each fighting for their own beliefs. Other series include The Great Divide by Michiel van Jaarsveld (€979,806, Hollands Licht) and Atlanta by American helmer Hiro Murai (€555,446, produced by New Amsterdam Film Company and Minim UK). The documentary series that is one of the lucky recipients is Victor Vroegindeweij’s Psychology of Con Artists (€215,063, Topkapi Nonfiction and Germany’s Autentic), about the motivation that drives various infamous con artists. To round things off, the animated series Pim & Pom at the Museum by Gioia Smid received a financial contribution of €319,806 and will be produced by Phanta Film and Pim & Pom.

The Netherlands Film Production Incentive is based on a cash-rebate system on eligible production costs, and offers an incentive of 30% for high-end TV series and 35% for film productions. Its overall aim is to support a healthy production climate in the Netherlands. The deadline for the next round of applications for the Netherlands Film Production Incentive is 24 August.

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