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En route pour le milliard triomphe à DOK Leipzig


- Le film de Dieudo Hamadi reçoit la Colombe d’or de la compétition internationale ; Lift Like a Girl gagne la compétition allemande ; A New Shift l’emporte dans la toute nouvelle Golden Section

En route pour le milliard triomphe à DOK Leipzig
Le réalisateur Dieudo Hamadi recevant sa Colombe d’or pour En route pour le milliard via liaison vidéo (© Susann Jehnichen)

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

The 63rd edition of the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film DOK Leipzig, which took place both in cinemas in the German city and online from 26 October-1 November, wrapped on Sunday night with Dieudo Hamadi’s Downstream to Kinshasa [+lire aussi :
fiche film
 (DR Congo/France/Belgium) winning the main, €10,000 award of the festival, the Golden Dove in the International Competition Long Documentary and Animated Film. In addition, the title, which also boasts the Cannes label, picked up the €1,500 Prize of the Interreligious Jury.

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

The Silver Dove Award in the same competition, for the best long documentary or animated film by an up-and-coming director, worth €6,000, went to Argentinian filmmakers Laura Citarella and Mercedes Halfon for The Poets Visit Juana Bignozzi. In the German Feature-length Competition, Mayye Zayed bagged the €3,000 Golden Dove Award for Lift Like a Girl [+lire aussi :
fiche film

The newly established Golden Dove in the Golden Section, awarded by a jury of seven Leipzig cinephiles and worth €3,000, went to Jindřich Andrš's A New Shift [+lire aussi :
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(Czech Republic), as did the MDR Film Prize, worth another €3,000. Argentinian director Darío Doria picked up the FIPRESCI Prize for his animated feature Vicenta.

The €4,000 DEFA Sponsoring Prize for an outstanding long German documentary film was handed to Daniel Kötter for Rift Finfinnee [+lire aussi :
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(Ethiopia/Germany), and Hannah Schweier received the €2,500 ver.di Prize for Solidarity, Humanity and Fairness for a film in the German Competition, for 80,000 Schnitzels [+lire aussi :
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Martina Preissner pocketed the €2,000 Goethe-Institut Documentary Film Prize for the best topical long German documentary film, for The Guardian. The award also includes the purchase of the licence and subtitling in up to eight languages.

In the short-film sections, the Golden Dove for an International Documentary went to Alain Kassanda for Trouble Sleep (France/Nigeria), and the Golden Dove for an Animated Film went to Polish filmmaker Julia Orlik's I'm Here. Each of the awards is worth €3,000. Chinese director Weijia Ma received the Golden Section Silver Dove, worth €1,500, for the short animation Step into the River.

Finally, Jan Soldat triumphed in the German Short Documentary Competition, winning the €1,500 Silver Dove for Erwin (Austria/Germany).

Here is the full list of DOK Leipzig award winners:

International Competition Long Documentary and Animated Film

Golden Dove
Downstream to Kinshasa [+lire aussi :
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- Dieudo Hamadi (DR Congo/France/Belgium)

Silver Dove
The Poets Visit Juana Bigazzi - Laura Citarella, Mercedes Halfon (Argentina)

Golden Section – Competition for the Audience Award for Long Documentary and Animated Film

Golden Dove
A New Shift [+lire aussi :
fiche film
- Jindřich Andrš (Czech Republic)

Golden Section – Competition for the Audience Award for Short Documentary and Animated Film

Silver Dove
Step into the River - Weijia Ma (China/France)

German Competition Long Documentary and Animated Film

Golden Dove
Lift Like a Girl [+lire aussi :
fiche film
- Mayye Zayed (Egypt/Germany/Denmark)

German Competition Short Documentary and Animated Film

Silver Dove
Erwin - Jan Soldat (Austria/Germany)

International Competition Short Documentary and Animated Film

Golden Dove for Short Documentary Film
Trouble Sleep - Alain Kassanda (France/Nigeria)

Golden Dove for Short Animated Film
I'm Here - Julia Orlik (Poland)

DEFA Sponsoring Prize
Rift Finfinnee [+lire aussi :
fiche film
- Daniel Kötter (Ethiopia/Germany)

MDR Film Prize
A New Shift - Jindřich Andrš

ver.di Prize for Solidarity, Humanity and Fairness
80,000 Schnitzels [+lire aussi :
fiche film
- Hannah Schweier (Germany)

Goethe-Institut Documentary Film Prize
The Guardian - Martina Priessner (Germany)

Young Eyes Film Award
Operation Moonbird - Dustin Lose (Germany)

Prize of the Interreligious Jury
Downstream to Kinshasa - Dieudo Hamadi

Vicenta - Darío Doria (Argentina)

Mephisto 97.6 Audience Award for the Best Animated Film
Bad Mood - Loris Giuseppe Nese (Italy)

Gedanken-Aufschluss for Long Documentary and Animated Film
Robin's Hood - Jasmin Baumgartner (Austria)

Gedanken-Aufschluss for Short Documentary and Animated Film
Riven Threads - Deborah Jeromin (Germany)

(Traduit de l'anglais)

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