Le Fonds régional Hambourg Schleswig-Holstein distribue 2M € d’aides à la production
par Teresa Vena
- Rheingold de Fatih Akin et 1000 Zeilen, de Michael Bully Herbig, font partie des projets retenus par le comité du fonds allemand

Cet article est disponible en anglais.
The committee of the German Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein in charge of allocating production funding to high-end film projects has decided to grant around €2 million to ten upcoming productions. To be eligible, the films and series must have production costs that exceed €3.5 million.
German director Fatih Akin (The Golden Glove [+lire aussi :
interview : Fatih Akin
interview : Jonas Dassler
fiche film]) is adapting the biography of German hip-hop rapper, entrepreneur and ex-convict Xatar, Alles oder Nix (2015), in his new film, Rheingold [+lire aussi :
fiche film]. Bombero International in Hamburg will be in charge of the production of the gangster drama and can now count on the support of the Filmförderung to the tune of €700,000. Xatar, aka Giwar Hajabi, is an important figure on the German hip-hop scene, and his life represents an immigrant success story. The film will be shot in Hamburg as well as in London.
Funding of €300,000 has been granted to a second major film project. German director Michael Bully Herbig ((T)Raumschiff Surprise – Periode 1) is working on a media satire bearing the title 1000 Zeilen, produced in collaboration with UFA Fiction in Potsdam. The subject of the film is the unearthing of a major press scandal inspired by the book by Spanish-German journalist Juan Moreno Tausend Zeilen Lüge (lit. “A Thousand Lines of Lies”). German actors Elyas M'Barek and Jonas Nay will star in the film, which is about to be shot in Hamburg.
The same amount of €300,000 will serve to aid the production of Mein Lotta-Leben 2 by Martina Plura, who will thus add a sequel to the successful children’s and family film. Lieblingsfilm in Munich will stage the movie, which once again stars German actress Meggy Marie Hussong in the lead role, as Lotta.
German director Georg Tschurtschenthaler has been granted €250,000 for the production of his project Fachdirektion 65. The true-crime series produced by Gebrüder Beetz Filmproduktion in Hamburg recreates the 1980s and the golden age of Hamburg's Reeperbahn. Moreover, the FFHSH is supporting the remake of a Danish comedy film directed by Aron Lehmann, granting it €200,000. Jagdsaison is being produced by Tobis in Berlin and tells the story of a friendship between two women. The ten planned shooting days will take place in a wellness resort in Schleswig-Holstein.
Among the non-German productions is the new project by Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan, About Dry Grasses [+lire aussi :
interview : Nuri Bilge Ceylan
fiche film], which will be supported to the tune of €75,000. Komplizen Film Berlin is in charge of production duties. The story tells of a popular teacher in Istanbul who is accused of molesting his students.
Finally, three productions will receive distribution funding – namely, Sven Unterwaldt's Catweazle (€80,000, Tobis Film, Berlin) starring Otto Waalkes; the animated film Die Olchis - Willkommen in Schmuddelfing (€65,000, Leonine Distribution, Munich) by Jens Møller and Toby Genkel; and France [+lire aussi :
interview : Bruno Dumont
fiche film] (€17,500, MFA+ FilmDistribution, Regensburg) by Bruno Dumont. Furthermore, the St Pauli-set series Grosse Freiheit by the writing team comprising Arne Ahrens and Oliver Karan (Skylines) has secured screenplay funding of €40,000.
(Traduit de l'anglais)
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