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PRODUCTION / FINANCEMENT Allemagne / Pays-Bas / Autriche

Constantin Hatz tourne son deuxième long-métrage, March


- Il s’agit d’un récit dramatique sur un jeune adolescent qui vit dans un village affecté par la migration des campagnes vers les villes

Constantin Hatz tourne son deuxième long-métrage, March
Le chef-opérateur Rafael Starman et l’acteur Malte Oskar Frank sur le tournage de March (© Kinescope Film GmbH/Julio Del Bianco)

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March, one of the projects that was nominated for the Thomas Strittmatter Scriptwriting Prize in 2018, is currently in production. The drama is the sophomore feature by Austrian director Constantin Hatz, who graduated from the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg with his 2017 film Brut, a drama that focuses on a mother-daughter relationship. Like Brut, March will centre on a teenager.

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The film will tell the story of Daniel, a 15-year-old who lives with his older brother and ill father in a village strongly affected by rural-urban migration. In an environment marked by unemployment, xenophobia and illegal animal fights, during his transition from childhood to youth, Daniel starts feeling more and more lonely.

Malte Oskar Frank, a newcomer to the big screen, was chosen to play the lead part. Eric Cordes will star as Daniel’s brother Michael, while Robert Kuchenbuch has taken on the role of the sick father. The drama’s cast also includes Paul Wollin, Susanne Bredehoeft, Ben Felipe, Beatrix Strobel, Mohamed Haj Younis, Bashar Kanan, Nahla Nabil, Derar Khalili, Robert Gallinowski, Max Koch, Christian Schneeweiß and Ludger Böckelmann. Rafael Starman is on board as the DoP.

Produced by Bremen-based Kinescope Film (Janina Sara Henneman), in co-operation with the Netherlands’ Isabella Films, Austria’s Witcraft Filmproduktion and Germany’s Domar Film, March has received financial support from Nordmedia - Film- und Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen and Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein. The production was also backed by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) and by the Netherlands Film Fund.

The shoot took place last year between 30 September and 14 November on location in Amt Neuhaus, Hamburg, Clausthal-Zellerfeld and Schleswig-Holstein, with the completion of the film being scheduled for the first half of 2021. Salzgeber & Co is planning to release the movie in Germany at some point in the first few months of 2022.

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