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Juana Macías tourne El favor à Barcelone


- Cette comédie familiale caustique réunit les comédiens Inma Cuesta, Diego Martín, Sara Salamo et Alfonso Bassave

Juana Macías tourne El favor à Barcelone
(g-d) L'actrice Inma Cuesta, l'acteur Diego Martín, la réalisatrice Juana Macías, l'acteur Alfonso Bassave et l'actrice Sara Sálamo

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Just One Small Favor, the new film helmed by Juana Macías (Planes para mañana [+lire aussi :
making of
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, Embarazados [+lire aussi :
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, Bajo el mismo techo [+lire aussi :
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), is currently in the midst of principal photography. Andalusian actress Inma Cuesta (whom we saw not long ago in the series The Mess You Leave Behind and the feature El páramo [+lire aussi :
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, both of which are Netflix productions, and who recently shot Los buenos modales), Diego Martín (who is due to release Un novio para mi mujer [+lire aussi :
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on 22 July), Sara Sálamo (who recently appeared in The Year of Fury [+lire aussi :
interview : Rafa Russo
fiche film
), Alfonso Bassave (currently on the Spanish cinema listings in Chus Gutiérrez’s Sin ti no puedo [+lire aussi :
fiche film
) and Pere Ponce (last year’s El sustituto [+lire aussi :
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) star in the movie, which also boasts special appearances by Gonzalo de CastroIsabel Ordaz and Luisa Gavasa, breathing life into the characters in this caustic family comedy. The cast is rounded off by Betsy Turnez and Iván Renedo.

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

Just One Small Favor talks about something that we are all familiar with: family and its ability to complicate our lives,” explains the director. Produced by Antonio Asensio, Paloma Molina and Mercedes Gamero, with Miriam Rodríguez and Andrea Barrionuevo on board as executive producers, the feature’s story was written by sought-after screenwriting tandem Cristóbal Garrido and Adolfo Valor (I Can Quit Whenever I Want [+lire aussi :
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, Mother’s Love and the new film by Alauda Ruiz de Azua, following Lullaby [+lire aussi :
interview : Alauda Ruiz de Azúa
fiche film
, Eres tú, which is now in post-production).

According to the synopsis, the Gallardos are a rich and revered family who spend their summers at a beautiful country house that is meticulously looked after right down to the tiniest detail by Amparito, the beloved nanny who has been like a second mother to the three children in the family, Teresa, Benja and Aura. When they receive the sad news that she has passed away, the three siblings travel to the town to say their final goodbyes and reunite with Tomás, the deceased’s only child. What they were not expecting is that Amparito’s last wish was to be interred in the family vault. The Gallardos are unequivocal: never! After refusing to grant this favour, they receive Amparito’s legacy: a number of letters in which the family will find not a heartfelt farewell, but rather her vengeance in the guise of dirty laundry and hurtful truths that will turn their lives upside down.

The film will be shot over the course of seven weeks in and around Barcelona. It is a sustainable production that has made use of tools, protocols and measures that meet environmental, financial and social sustainability criteria.

Just One Small Favor is a production by Zeta CinemaAtresmedia Cine and Pumuky Films AIE, with the involvement of Atresmedia, Movistar Plus+ and Televisió de Catalunya. It has secured funding from the Spanish Film and Audiovisual Arts Institute (ICAA) and backing from the Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies (ICEC). Universal Pictures International Spain will be in charge of its Spanish distribution, while Filmax will take care of its international sales.

(Traduit de l'espagnol)

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