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EXCLUSIF : L’affiche et la bande-annonce de H, sélectionné au Festival de Séville


- Carlos Pardo Ros se lance dans la réalisation en solitaire avec un film tourné pendant les populaires fêtes de San Fermín, à Pampelune

EXCLUSIF : L’affiche et la bande-annonce de H, sélectionné au Festival de Séville

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Critics have called it an unusual film, "an impossible cross between the nihilism of Gaspar Noé and the transcendentalism of Terrence Malick" to celebrate the audacity of a film like H [+lire aussi :
interview : Carlos Pardo Ros
fiche film
, the feature debut of filmmaker Carlos Pardo Ros (read his interview at Locarno Pro 2021), which will have its Spanish premiere after its world premiere at Visions du Réel, at the upcoming Seville European Film Festival (4-12 November), in The New Waves Non-Fiction section.

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H is based on a real event: the fatal wound suffered by a runner during the Sanfermines in 1969 who, contrary to tradition, went to the run dressed in blue and not in white, like everyone else. Nobody knew who the man was who carried a key ring with the letter H in his pockets. After many hours in the morgue, he was identified: he was the uncle of the director of this film.

After the mystery that surrounded him, Pardo Ros gathered four friends to wander through the streets of Pamplona in those uncertain hours between night and dawn when any trace of H disappeared in the middle of the Sanfermines. Dressed in blue, like him, they became his ghosts over the ten days of the festival.

Carlos Pardo Ros has been a member of the film research group lacasinegra together with Gabriel Azorín (Los mutantes [+lire aussi :
fiche film
), Elena López Riera (El agua [+lire aussi :
interview : Elena Lopez Riera
fiche film
) and María Antón Cabot (<3 [+lire aussi :
fiche film
), who in 2013 made the film Pas à Genève. He is co-founder of the company DVEIN Films: one of his latest productions, the short film La sangre es blanca, by Oscar Vincentelli, was award-winner at the FID Marseille 2021. H, starring Itsaso Arana, Pedro Ladroga, Julio Carlos Ramos Zapata and Leonard Plattner, is his first solo feature film, distributed in Spanish cinemas by Vitrine Filmes.

Here is the exclusive poster and trailer:

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(Traduit de l'espagnol)

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