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EXCLUSIF : L’affiche de O auto das ánimas, sélectionné en compétition à Visions du Réel


- Ce documentaire du Galicien Pablo Lago Dantas, produit par Diana Toucedo, propose un voyage de retour vers une terre où le temps se dissout en souvenirs et en brouillard

EXCLUSIF : L’affiche de O auto das ánimas, sélectionné en compétition à Visions du Réel

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

In a small Galician village, Pablo’s family live their lives in strict adherence to their ancient traditions and beliefs. Feeling as though he didn’t fit into their world, Pablo left 20 years ago to become a filmmaker. However, as he and his family get older, a restless sensation begins to take hold within him, urging him to return home to confront the ghosts of the past and find answers, in the limited time they still have together.

This is the synopsis of A House for Wandering Souls, the debut feature-length documentary by Galician director Pablo Lago Dantas, which has been selected for the International Competition of the upcoming Visions du Réel, which will unspool from 21-30 April.

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“This is the area I come from. My family don’t speak much, and perhaps that’s why I’m not so good with words. Images are my language. I’ve spent almost 20 years working as a DoP. Now, this experience has allowed me to look at my roots from a different angle,” says the director.

The movie is a production staged by Diana Toucedo, who co-wrote it with Lago Dantas, for Diana Toucedo Films, in co-production with CRTVG, and with support from AGADIC and the Pontevedra Provincial Government. It was made in collaboration with Catalan Films. Its international sales are being handled by Germany’s Deckert Distribution, a firm specialising in marketing documentaries. At the project stage, the movie received the Mentoring Projects Post-production Award at the L’Alternativa Film Festival, the Primer Test Award at the REC Film Festival and the Best Feature Award in the WIP section of the Málaga Film Festival, and it also took part in the Agora WIP section of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Push-Play at the Gijón International Film Festival and Dok.incubator.

Check out our exclusive poster below:

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(Traduit de l'espagnol)

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