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MIDPOINT Shorts accueille une nouvelle vague de projets


- De nouveau, ce programme du MIDPOINT Institute dédié aux courts-métrages va choisir ses participants à travers une procédure de sélection en plusieurs étapes ; date limite d'inscription : le 6 juillet

MIDPOINT Shorts accueille une nouvelle vague de projets
Une édition précédente de MIDPOINT Shorts

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

MIDPOINT Shorts, organised by the MIDPOINT Institute, stands as Europe's sole comprehensive programme dedicated to the script and project development of short films, while being deeply intertwined with the pulse of the film industry. This programme offers a combination of meticulous script analysis and professional project development to steer projects towards their cinematic realisation. Through a multi-stage project selection process, implemented for the first time last year, the programme aims to support a greater number of emerging talents.

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MIDPOINT Shorts is aimed at creative teams comprising writers, directors and producers from across the globe, with a particular emphasis on those from Central and Eastern Europe. The programme entails collaborative work within groups and individual consultations, with a particular focus on the in-depth development of screenplays and structural script consultancy.

Programme coordinator Soňa Morgenthalová explained why the multi-stage selection process has been chosen once again: “As MIDPOINT Shorts is quite selective, we received numerous requests for feedback but unfortunately couldn't accommodate them all. Therefore, we introduced the multi-stage selection procedure last year, and through our Online Feedback Session and Online Ideas Incubator selection rounds, we were able to support around 20 teams, and provide them with helpful feedback and consultations for their projects' further development.”

Each project has the opportunity to progress and allow its team to gain a foothold in the industry, even from a one-pager that can evolve into a treatment, and then be further developed into a script. With the guidance of experts, the initial draft can pave the way for a refined final version. The training provided through the programme has expanded to encompass production strategy guidance, integration of distribution strategies into the development process, and insights into financing, sales and festival strategies.

Under the leadership of Pavel Marek, an expert and director of short films, the MIDPOINT Shorts programme commences with the Online Feedback Session in mid-August. During this session, 20 shortlisted projects will receive an online evaluation from a script consultant and production tutor. Moving on to the second stage, the Online Ideas Incubator, ten projects will benefit from further script and project development. Subsequently, the final selection of four or five projects will enter the main Shorts programme, which consists of two residential workshops. The first, dedicated to script development and project packaging, will take place in mid-October in Brno, Czech Republic, in collaboration with the International Short Film Festival BRNO16. The second workshop, focusing on industry insights, is scheduled for January during When East Meets West in Trieste, where the projects will also be showcased.

On the new partnership, Morgenthalová added: “This year, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with BRNO16 ISFF, one of the oldest short-film festivals in the world. This exciting collaboration will provide our participants with enhanced networking opportunities right from the first workshop. Moreover, they will have access to special screenings, captivating location tours and other engaging components of the festival programme.”

Two notable success stories from past participants of the programme are worth mentioning. Firstly, Rites, written and directed by Damian Vondrasek, received the prestigious Czech Lion Award for Best Short Film this year (see the news). Secondly, Ice Break, written and directed by Elvira Dulskaia, and produced by Rozalie Brozkova, had its premiere at the Pragueshorts Film Festival this year.

For those interested, the deadline for applications is set for 6 July. Detailed information about the programme and the application form can be found here.

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