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KARLOVY VARY 2023 KVIFF Eastern Promises / Prix

Flight from Kabul gagne le Prix MIDPOINT Feature Launch Works in Development Award à KVIFF Eastern Promises


- Ce projet de Sahraa Karimi a reçu 10 000 € ; Excavators d'Argyro Nicolaou et Tomáš Pertold de Perfilm ont remporté les deux autres prix en jeu

Flight from Kabul gagne le Prix MIDPOINT Feature Launch Works in Development Award à KVIFF Eastern Promises
La réalisatrice Sahraa Karimi (à droite) et la productrice Wanda Adamík Hrycová recevant leur prix

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

The MIDPOINT Feature Launch programme has wrapped its latest edition within the industry section of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Eastern Promises, just as it does every year. This time around, a total of eight projects from Central and Eastern Europe were showcased, accompanied by three script-consultant trainees who had the opportunity to meet industry professionals on 3 July during the Works in Development - Feature Launch event (see the news). The event was a project showcase and networking initiative organised in partnership with the KVIFF.

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The main Works in Development Award was presented to Flight from Kabul, the latest project written and directed by Afghan filmmaker Sahraa Karimi (Hava, Maryam, Ayesha [+lire aussi :
fiche film
), and produced by Wanda Adamík Hrycová for Bratislava-based Wandal Production. The award is valued at €10,000, and the winner was decided on by a jury consisting of Simone Baumann, producer and managing director of German Films; Slovenian producer Danijel Hocevar (Vertigo); and Joseph Fahim, a film critic and programmer.

The jury's statement reads as follows: “For its bold vision, political audaciousness and enterprising storytelling, the Works in Development Award goes to a project that explores a people and place seldom seen on screen; a people and place that have been let down by Western politicians who stood idle as the powers of darkness ventured to ravage it in front of the apathetic, complacent eyes of the world.” This joint financial award, provided by the MIDPOINT Institute, Barrandov Studio and the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, aims to support emerging talents in the further development of their feature-film projects.

The recipient of the connecting cottbus Award, which grants the winner a pitching opportunity at the German co-production market connecting cottbus in November, was the Cypriot project Excavators. This film is the debut work by writer-director Argyro Nicolaou and is being produced by Constantinos Nikiforou for Caretta Films. Marjorie Bendeck and Katharina Stumm from connecting cottbus stated that the film is “a fascinating story about intergenerational trauma and the ways in which we respond to the wounds of the past”.

In addition, the Rotterdam Lab Scholarship Award was presented to Czech producer Tomáš Pertold, of Perfilm, who will have the opportunity to participate in the Rotterdam Lab professional training programme for producers during the upcoming International Film Festival Rotterdam. Pertold attended this year's MIDPOINT Feature Launch as the producer of God Break Down the Door, a film written and directed by Vojtěch Novotný. Facundo Lema, representing Rotterdam Lab, emphasised: “Not only is it about an original premise, a cohesive and well-constructed project, and an attractive story, but it’s also an approach to filmmaking that we want to support. [This is] a strong, well-bonded team that includes the precise definition of an emerging, young and ambitious producer. The freshness, the powerful and genuine intentions, as well as a very promising career ahead make this person the most suitable one to join us in January.”

In the autumn, all participants in the programme will reunite for the final online workshop, which will centre on marketing and distribution strategies. Furthermore, the producers involved are invited to the upcoming edition of Trieste's When East Meets West event, where they will be able to expand their professional networks even further, and actively pursue financial and artistic partnerships during the Feature Launch Spotlight segment.

Here is the list of the MIDPOINT Feature Launch 2023 winners:

Works in Development Award
Flight from Kabul (Slovakia) 
Writer/director: Sahraa Karimi
Producer: Wanda Adamík Hrycová (Wandal Production)

connecting cottbus Award
Excavators (Cyprus)
Writer/director: Argyro Nicolaou
Producer: Constantinos Nikiforou (Caretta Films)

Rotterdam Lab Award
Tomáš Pertold - God Break Down the Door (Czech Republic)

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