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KARLOVY VARY 2023 KVIFF Eastern Promises / Prix

Allen Sunshine de Harley Chamandy gagne le Prix First Cut+ à Karlovy Vary


- Ce premier long-métrage va recevoir la somme de 5000 € offerte par le sponsor du prix, la chaîne publique turque TRT

Allen Sunshine de Harley Chamandy gagne le Prix First Cut+ à Karlovy Vary
Les gagnants du Prix First Cut+

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

The latest instalment of First Cut+ has drawn to a close, and the winning project of this edition has been revealed. First Cut+ is a programme dedicated to enhancing the appeal and commercial viability of feature films. It took place during the KVIFF Eastern Promises Industry Days, a prominent segment of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. This year, First Cut+ showcased eight captivating films (see the news) that are presently undergoing post-production.

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Harley Chamandy, an emerging filmmaker making his directorial debut, claimed the First Cut+ TRT Award for his film, Allen Sunshine. Through this recognition, initiated in partnership with Turkish public broadcaster TRT, a cash prize of €5,000 was bestowed upon the winner. A panel of film professionals presided over the decision-making process – they included Francesca Tiberi, sales acquisitions manager at True Colours; Marge Liiske, CEO of Baltic Event and head of Industry at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival; and Esra Demirkiran, festivals coordinator at TRT Cinema.

The jury’s reasoning states: “For an exceptional cinematic effort crafted by a remarkably talented emerging filmmaker, showcasing a sensitive portrayal of genuine friendship and the journey towards solitude following loss, while developing a minimalistic yet deeply impactful approach to storytelling and cinematography”.

Produced by Chantal Chamandy for New York-based company Mother and Son Films and by Laurent Allaire for Canada’s Chasseurs Films, Allen Sunshine tells the story of a former music mogul who retreats to an isolated lakeside home to grieve, following his famous wife’s suicide. He copes by composing ambient-electronic music and by nurturing an unexpected friendship with two young boys whom he meets on the lake, fishing. Throughout the course of his stages of grief, Allen encounters characters that remind him of what he’s lost and forgotten, as well as what he hopes to gain and reconcile.

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