Le UK Global Screen Fund Data Hub promet d'aider le secteur à gérer l'inaccessibilité des données de visionnage des streameurs états-uniens
par Elena Lazic
- Le Hub fournira des informations sur la demande internationale et les vues à l'international pour le Royaume-Uni, la France, l'Italie, l'Allemagne et l'Espagne

Cet article est disponible en anglais.
At an online event on 31 July, the BFI launched the UK Global Screen Fund Data Hub, a brand-new resource providing the independent screen sector with international VOD data and insights on global demand for and value of UK content.
Indeed, the lack of data from US streamers regarding viewership has been a source of frustration for the UK film and TV industry for some time. The UK Global Screen Fund Data Hub was created in response to the results of a research project commissioned during the Fund’s pilot year. Carried out by Damask Consulting, the report found that the provision of data services, especially video-on-demand data, would best help the UK screen sectors in making informed decisions and doing business internationally.
The UK Global Screen Fund Data Hub that has now been launched will provide monthly reports on International Demand, powered by Parrot Analytics. These will reveal the global top 20 in-demand film, series and talent for the US, UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain. Parrot Analytics measures popularity by looking at data relating to social media, fan and critic rating sites, and online engagement with a specific film, series or talent.
Also provided will be monthly reports on International Viewership, powered by Digital-i; those will unveil the top 20 most viewed films and series by service (Netflix and Amazon Prime Video), for UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain. Digital-i “delivers ratings based on actual viewing across all devices, in-home and out-of-home from a managed panel of subscribers across several territories,” according to the company’s website.
Data will be updated on a monthly basis at the end of each month. UK users wanting to access the free platform must register for an account at www.ukgsfdatahub.org and log in.
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