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Pilar Palomero en plein tournage sur Los destellos


- Patricia Lopez Arnaiz, Julián Lopez et Antonio de la Torre au casting du nouveau film par la réalisatrice espagnole, qui est produit par MOD, Misent Producciones et Inicia Films

Pilar Palomero en plein tournage sur Los destellos
L'actrice Patricia López Arnaiz et la réalisatrice Pilar Palomero sur le tournage de Los destellos (© Laia Lluch)

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Spanish filmmaker Pilar Palomero is currently shooting Glimmers, her third feature film after Schoolgirls [+lire aussi :
interview : Pilar Palomero
fiche film
and La maternal [+lire aussi :
interview : Pilar Palomero
fiche film
(presented in the Generation section of the Berlinale and in the San Sebastian competition, respectively, and both nominated for the Goya for Best Film, an award she won for the former). The film stars Patricia López Arnaiz (winner of the Goya for Best Actress two years ago for Ane is Missing [+lire aussi :
interview : David Pérez Sañudo
fiche film
and who we recently saw in 20,000 Species of Bees [+lire aussi :
interview : Estíbaliz Urresola
fiche film
), Antonio de la Torre (who has just released The Movie Teller [+lire aussi :
interview : Lone Scherfig
fiche film
), Julián López (seen this year in the series Fleeting Lies [+lire aussi :
interview : Esther García
fiche série
) and newcomer Marina Guerola. The film is being shot on location in Horta de Sant Joan and Tortosa (both in Tarragona, Catalonia) over the months of October and November.

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

Its plot, written by the director, tells how Isabel's life (played by López Arnaiz) takes an unexpected turn the day her daughter Madalen (played by Guerola) asks her to visit Ramón (de la Torre), who is ill, on a regular basis. After fifteen years away from her ex-husband, whom she sees as a stranger despite the fact that they were family for years, resentments that she thought she had gotten past begin to resurface in Isabel. However, by accompanying the man at his most vulnerable moment, Isabel will be able to see the failure they experienced through different eyes and focus on the present of her own existence.

Based on the story Un corazón demasiado grande, by the Basque writer Eider Rodríguez, Pilar Palomero states that "from the very first moment I was intrigued by this story which, broadly speaking, was about the forced reunion of a couple that didn't work out. I felt that this conflict allowed me to think about how contradictory and complex the ties we create can be and, above all, to propose a reflection on the impressions that we make and leave behind, and that make us who we are".

Glimmers is a production from MOD, Misent Producciones and Inicia Films with the participation of RTVE, Movistar Plus+, TVC and À Punt, with funding from ICAA - Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales and the collaboration of the ICEC - Generalitat de Catalunya and IVC - Generalitat Valenciana. The film will be released in Spanish cinemas by Caramel Films.

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

(Traduit de l'espagnol)

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