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Enkelejd Lluca en post-production sur Das Meer ist der Himmel


- Son deuxième long-métrage est un drame familial doublé d'un road movie sur un homme qui rentre en Albanie, son pays natal, après quinze ans en Allemagne

Enkelejd Lluca en post-production sur Das Meer ist der Himmel
de gauche à droite: Igli Bala, Gezim Rudi, Akil Bircaj, Alvi Hysaj et Rexhina Ibro dans Das Meer ist der Himmel (© Park Eleven/Domar Film)

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

The shoot for Das Meer ist der Himmel (lit. “The Sea Is Heaven”) took place between October 2021 and summer 2022. One week of principal photography unfolded in Frankfurt, Germany, and then the crew travelled to Albania for 32 days in June and July 2022. The family drama has the narrative structure of a road movie. It is the second feature by Albanian-born German director Enkelejd Lluca (Frankfurt Coincidences [+lire aussi :
fiche film
). As in his first project, Lluca writes and directs, and he is again interested in human relationships, and in the topics of family, one’s roots and power structures in society.

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In this new film, a 35-year-old man, Leon, goes back to Albania, the land of his birth, after living in Germany for the last 15 years. His grandfather has passed away, and his ashes are to be scattered into the sea. His return to a place and to a family he never wanted to see again confronts Leon with his past. He embarks on a journey through the country and discovers some pleasant things about it, but at the same time, a well-guarded family secret is unveiled.

Among the main cast will be an ensemble of Albanian-German actors, such as Blerim Destani (Der letzte Bulle [+lire aussi :
fiche film
, Man from Beirut [+lire aussi :
interview : Christoph Gampl
fiche film
) and Murat Seven (Air [+lire aussi :
fiche film
, House Without Roof [+lire aussi :
fiche film
). They are flanked by Ariana Gansuh, Edon Rizvanolli (Unwanted [+lire aussi :
interview : Edon Rizvanolli
fiche film
, Moloch), Gezim Rudi (Bloodlands [+lire aussi :
fiche film
) and Ndricim Xhepa (The Delegation [+lire aussi :
fiche film

Shot in German and Albanian, the film is now in post-production. Das Meer ist der Himmel is planned to be released in German cinemas in July 2024. Four Guys Film Distribution, based in Frankfurt, will be in charge of the distribution. The drama is a production by Park Eleven, the director’s own company, based in Berlin, and Domar Film, with offices in both Munich and Esslingen. It is a co-production with local TV channel Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR), and is financed by Hessen Film and Saarland Medien.

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