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La Fédération internationale des associations de distributeurs et éditeurs de films publie son manifeste 2024


- Le texte souligne le rôle clef des distributeurs européens, dont le profil polyvalent leur permet d'être aussi investisseurs, preneurs de risque, curateurs et promoteurs

La Fédération internationale des associations de distributeurs et éditeurs de films publie son manifeste 2024

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Last week, the International Federation of Film Distributors’ and Publishers' Associations (FIAD), the body repping and promoting the interests of national associations of film distributors and publishers at the European Union level, published its 2024 manifesto.

FIAD bills the manifesto as “a call to action to decision makers in Brussels and national capitals, inviting them to engage with FIAD and consider the priorities of film distributors when proposing policy at the European Union level.” To date, FIAD represents over 200 firms.

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According to FIAD, film distributors are first and foremost “investors,” “risk takers,” “film curators” and “film promoters.” The manifesto highlights how distributors work in close co-operation with producers and sales agents and their promotion and sales licensing tasks include the choice of release date, the organisation of advertising, partnerships, public relations, materials sent to exhibitors such as trailers and posters and adaptation duties such as translation, dubbing, subtitling and artworks, among others.

Moreover, the manifesto quotes some recent key distribution figures published by the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO). A 2024 report shows that pre-sales are part of the financing structure of more than two thirds of fiction films produced from 2016 to 2020. Of all pre-sales investments, 86% were allocated to films with a budget exceeding €3 million. In 2023, Europe’s box office was worth €6.7 billion, attracting 861 million admissions.

The manifesto illustrates two case studies to further prove its point. In detail, the document states that in France “FNEF distributors have been vital partners in financing the creation and distribution of works, injecting €315 million in 2021,” of which 145 million were in pre-sales investments (including guaranteed amounts and co-production shares) and €130 million spent on promotional activities. In 2023, in the UK and Ireland “the recorded distributors’ spend totalled almost 217 million,” thus marking a 20% rise on 2022 figures.

In a short paragraph titled “Embracing the Digital Evolution,” the manifesto also tackles distributors’ relationship with AI. “AI tools offer opportunities to optimise marketing strategies, track audience engagement, support film release schedules and enhance efficiencies in print and advertising costs. However, there remains a need for stronger compliance from AI developers to prevent unauthorised use of AV works. FIAD advocates for enhanced legal tools and transparency requirements to better protect rights holders without imposing undue burdens on them,” the document reads.

The FIAD's top priorities for the 2024-2029 mandate are promoting theatrical distribution, preserving contractual freedom, protecting copyright and tackling piracy, upholding the Creative Europe MEDIA strand, supporting a broad definition of European works and advocating for data transparency.

Finally, Secretary General of FIAD Robert Heslop commented: “We at FIAD are glad to release this manifesto, outlining the vital role performed by film distributors in the film ecosystem in Europe and calling on decision makers to consider the needs of film distributors when determining legislation. This manifesto serves as a one-stop shop to gain insight into film distribution and the core pillars central to FIAD's advocacy. I would like to thank the FIAD Members for their collaboration and input into this manifesto which serves as a benchmark for FIAD activity over the coming years.”

You can access the manifesto here: 

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