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PRODUCTION / FINANCEMENT République tchèque / Slovaquie

Tomáš Hubáček tourne son premier long Wirbel


- Le réalisateur tchèque examine la relation entre les hommes et le paysage dans un film dramatique situé sur les hauts-plateaux de Bohême centrale

Tomáš Hubáček tourne son premier long Wirbel
Judit Pecháček et David Švehlík dans Wirbel (© Mimesis Film)

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Czech director Tomáš Hubáček (see the interview) is currently filming his debut feature, Wirbel, a mystery-infused drama film set in the landscapes of the Central Bohemian Highlands. The feature explores the themes of home, identity and humanity’s relationship with nature. Wirbel follows Martin (David Švehlík), a burnt-out man who inherits a decaying house in the Czech countryside. While sorting through the property, he discovers ancient maps and meets the enigmatic Agnes (Judit Pecháček). As Martin traces Agnes’s path, he unearths the forgotten rituals of the displaced inhabitants and the forces that once protected the land from destruction. His journey mirrors a personal transformation, reflecting the healing of the wounded landscape.

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“For me, the atmosphere of a place is central,” Hubáček explained, reflecting on his approach. “The story is shaped by the landscape, not just set in it.” The project, which has been seven years in the making, saw Hubáček and his team scouting locations across the Central Bohemian Highlands, the Plzeň region and Slovakia. The dramatic volcanic peaks and expansive fields will serve as both backdrop and character in this film, which blends elements of drama, arthouse and genre cinema. The movie is set in the former Sudetenland in the Czech-German border region, though it serves as a universal representation of areas across Europe affected by population displacements in the 20th century.

Hubáček, who also wrote the screenplay and composed the music, has incorporated subtle supernatural elements so as to emphasise the environmental themes, much like the seismic tremors that ripple through the region. His previous experimental short Fibonacci, which screened at over 50 festivals and won 13 awards, also featured landscapes prominently. Wirbel will continue with similar visual stylisation, which blends long lenses, flattened compositions and top shots for an immersive visual experience, with Alan Coural, the cinematographer on Fibonacci, returning as the director of photography. The supporting cast includes Martin Finger, Alexej Pyško and Markéta Coufalová.

Producer Jan Macola, of Mimesis Film, who produces Petr Václav’s films, including Il Boemo [+lire aussi :
interview : Petr Vaclav
fiche film
, highlighted the movie’s exploration of humanity’s connection to the landscape. “Each new project allows me to explore something different, and Wirbel offers the opportunity to delve into the world of genre films,” the producer said. The picture touches on themes of responsibility towards the land and its hidden mysteries, focusing not just on a forgotten past, but also on reconnecting with a landscape that shapes both personal and collective identity. The film serves as an allegory for humanity’s disconnection from nature and the resulting ecological consequences while subtly referencing post-war displacements and the resulting environmental and social disconnect, portraying a landscape that has lost its cultural memory and sacred symbols. The film is expected to be released by late 2025.

Wirbel is being produced by Mimesis Film (Czech Republic) and co-produced by Slovak outfit sentimental film. The Czech Film Fund, the Slovak Audiovisual Fund and the Pilsen region have all supported the project.

(Traduit de l'anglais)

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