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Miguel Angel Vivas tourne La tregua


- Ce drame historique belliqueux et froid sur la réconciliation et la compréhension mutuelle, qui réunit Miguel Herrán et Arón Piper dans les rôles principaux, est vendu à l'international par Film Factory

Miguel Angel Vivas tourne La tregua
Les acteurs Miguel Herrán et Arón Piper

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Filming for La tregua has been underway since mid-December, directed by the Sevillian filmmaker Miguel Ángel Vivas (known for Kidnapped [+lire aussi :
fiche film
, Extinction and Inside [+lire aussi :
fiche film
and more recently Your Son [+lire aussi :
fiche film
and Asedio [+lire aussi :
fiche film
, and who also made episodes of series such as Money Heist, Unauthorized Living, Scar and Desaparecidos), and starring two of the most promising young Spanish actors: Miguel Herrán (winner of the Goya for Best New Actor for Nothing in Return [+lire aussi :
interview : Daniel Guzmán
fiche film
, who recently appeared in Prison  77 [+lire aussi :
fiche film
and Valle de sombras and in the series Bank Under Siege [+lire aussi :
fiche série
and Los Farad) and Arón Piper (recently in El correo and in the mini-series Muted).

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

The film, based on real events and written by Fran Carballal (the series Scar and Una vida menos en Canarias), Ignasi Rubio (the series Desaparecidos and Alba, among others), and the director himself, follows Captain Reyes (played by Arón Piper) and Lieutenant Salgado (Miguel Herrán). These soldiers, who fought on opposing sides during the Spanish Civil War, are forced to share suffering and hope in a Soviet gulag during the Second World War. This coexistence will force them to join forces in the face of cold, hunger, and horror behind barbed wire. They will have to set aside their ideologies to discover the real person behind each uniform.

Miguel Ángel Vivas explains, “as the script is based on true events, it is essential to portray the cruelty experienced in a concentration camp through the eyes of soldiers—a perspective we aim to convey on the big screen to the audience with the utmost respect and truth.”

César Benítez, executive producer, emphasises, “for casting, we were looking for two powerful actors who could convey the harshness of a concentration camp under extreme conditions, while still maintaining hope for the future. From the very first moment, we saw that strength in both Miguel and Arón.”

La tregua is a co-production between Spassks99 AIE, Amanat Capital and Umaifilm, with the collaboration of Netflix, and the participation of RTVE and Plano a Plano. César Benítez, Emilio Amaré and Álvaro Benítez are the producers of the film, with Benítez and Emilio A. Pina as executive producers. Its international sales will be managed by Film Factory Entertainment.

(Traduit de l'espagnol)

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