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Prague Film School

mis à jour 27/05/2014

Prague Film School

Presentation and Philosophy:

Prague Film School provides professional-level training and the school is dedicated to developing not only informed auteurs, but crew and post production professionals. Different than many national film academies or major private film schools abroad or in Europe, Prague Film School is characterized by its small size. This lends a particular intimacy to the educational and filmmaking experience, promoting close work relations with teachers and students and affording easy access to filmmaking facilities and a red-tape-free working environment.

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The prevailing ethos of the school is a mix of European art-house and American independent cinemas. Faculty are recruited from both sides of the Atlantic and consist of top international and Czech professionals who daily mentor the creative, artistic and professional development of the students. Students are also international, coming from over 30 countries annually.

Based in Prague, it is the city of Prague itself that plays a leading role in the student’s experience at PFS.

Professional productions come from all over the globe to shoot in one of the world’s most beautiful capitals.

Students at Prague Film School have the city available to them all the time, as a classroom, as a home, and as a film set.

Number of students in film/animation studies: 80 students per year (60 in narrative filmmaking, 10 in documentary and 10 in acting for film), most of them are international

Number of teachers: 24

Programme objective and content


Prague Film School filmmaking programs provide foundation training and specialization studies in the areas of screenwriting, directing, cinematography, and post-production. Combing lectures and practical work in the classroom with an intensive production load outside of class, the school inculcates the practical skills and theoretical knowledge to make quality films.

Year Program, September – May. The one-year filmmaking program offers foundation training in screenwriting, directing, cinematography and editing during the first semester, and specialization options during the second term. The program is designed to bring the participant to a level of professional competence upon course completion.

Second - Year Program, September – May. The second year program is aimed at deepening craft skills through focusing on the aesthetics and practice of filmmaking. The second year program is also oriented towards training students for the production of more substantial projects, including the possibility of a feature-length film – a 90 minute trilogy shot in the second semester.

Fall Semester Program: September - December .The Semester program is identical to the first semester of the year program (and in the case of the fall semester program, is the first semester of the year program). Students follow an intensive curriculum in screenwriting, directing, cinematography and editing while completing a substantial amount of production work.

Summer Workshops: June / July / August

Covering screenwriting, directing, camera, editing and sound, the four-week workshops take each student from screenplay concept to a finished short film. Each student has the opportunity to write, shoot, direct and edit his or her film. The filmmaking workshops are recommended both for beginner and advanced filmmakers who want to improve their skills and shoot a film.

Acting for film

The acting for film program at Prague Film School prepares actors to become technically skilled, versatile and marketable in the film industry. Coursework emphasizes training for the naturalistic portrayal of character, the most frequent style used in film. The program makes use of complementary techniques such as Meisner’s behavior-based exercises, Robert Cohen’s techniques for integrating the actor’s many technical tasks and physicalization exercises adapted from the Lecoq school. Courses in voice and movement will also be an essential component of the curriculum. The program provides intensive on-camera training and is tightly integrated with the filmmaking curriculum. This ensures substantial practical film work and a diverse and professional reel upon program completion.

Year Program: September – May.

Semester Spring: January – May

Semester Fall: September – December

Documentary Filmmaking

Year Program: September – May.

The Documentary Film program at Prague Film School aims at creating the independent documentary filmmaker. The course is designed to develop professional-level production and post-production skills and orient the student to the landscape of the documentary profession. Through intensive practical and theoretical work, each student at PFS will develop his/her voice as a documentary filmmaker and learn the techniques to grab the audience and take them on an emotional journey. Topics covered include:

• Documentary camera and coverage techniques

• Interviewing techniques

• Research

• Preproduction

• Documentary themes and genres

• Documentary story structure and analysis

• Standard production practices and organization

• Documentary Ethics

• Authorship/Voice in Documentary

Exercises are shot both in and out of class on almost a weekly basis. Each student will also produce and direct a 7-minute documentary short film on a subject of his/her own choosing.

Admission and entry requirements:

• Year Program

Tuition Fee: €14.900

Equipment Fee: €900 [does not apply for acting for film program]

• Semester Studies Autumn 2014: €8.800

Spring 2015: €8.800

Equipment Fee: €480 [does not apply for acting for film program]

• Four-Week Workshops

Tuition Fee: €2.660

 Equipment Fee: €120

• Second Year Filmmaking Program

Tuition Fee for PFS Year Program Graduates: €9,800

Tuition Fee, General: €12.900

Equipment Fee: €900

Students applying to Prague Film School may be eligible for government funding or loans through their national ministries of education.

Prague Film School is open to applicants of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds. Applicants are evaluated on the basis of merit and creative potential. Production experience is not a requisite for getting admitted, but of course welcome.

Applicants should fill in the application form which can be downloaded from the school’s website before mid-May, except for the summer workshops that have a rolling application deadline.

Students are notified about acceptance within 10 - 21 days from the designated application deadline.

All application materials can be submitted via Internet. Applicants are advised, however, to check by telephone to make sure that application was received. Students applying to semester or year programs are requested to respond to two essay questions on the application form and to provide a sample creative portfolio. Semester and year students are also encouraged to provide two letters of recommendation.

School Information:

Admissions Office, Prague Film School,

Pstrossova 19,

Prague 1, 110 00

Czech Republic

Tel: +420 257534013



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