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Rea Lest • Actrice

"J'aimerais faire autant de projets différents que possible"

BERLIN 2019: L’actrice estonienne Rea Lest, qui fait partie des Shooting Stars 2019, nous parle de son expérience professionnelle

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(En anglais)

Rea Lest studied acting at the Drama School of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, and has been performing on stage - in Tallinn and throughout Europe - with Theatre NO99 since 2014. Her leading roles on the big screen include The Manslayer / The Virgin / The Shadow [+lire aussi :
interview : Rea Lest
fiche film
(2017) directed by Sulev Keedus and the international hit November [+lire aussi :
interview : Rea Lest
fiche film
(2017) by Rainer Sarnet, for which she received a Best Actress nomination at Tribeca Film Festival and won Best Actress at the Estonian Film Awards. Most recently, she got the lead role in the upcoming Scandinavian Silence by Martti Helde.

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