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Étude de cas sur la coproduction internationale au Berlinale Co-Production Market : Siberia I


BERLINALE 2020 : Présentation de la coproduction euro-latino-américaine Siberia d'Abel Ferrara, qui a fait l'objet d'une étude de cas au Berlinale Co-Production Market

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A closer look at European-Latin American co-production Siberia, directed by Abel Ferrara, centre of a case study at the EFM's Berlinale Co-Production Market.

This 70th Berlinale Competition film not only takes us on the inner odyssey of its main character, played by Willem Dafoe. The producers Marta Donzelli (Vivo Film, Italy), Philipp Kreuzer (Maze Pictures, Germany), Julio Chavezmontes (Piano, Mexico) and sales agent Michael Weber (The Match Factory, Germany) also lead us through the exciting journey of the film's making: from a Kickstarter campaign in the US to a mainly European production. The case study explored the process of finding the right way of structuring and financing this film, and finally bringing it onto the screen.

(Watch the second part of the panel here.)

Cineuropa is proud to be media partner of the Berlinale Co-Production Market.

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