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Salome Demuria • Actrice

"Je me contente d'écouter, et puis je suis mon instinct : il ne ment jamais"

par Ana Stanic

BERLINALE 2024 : La comédienne géorgienne nous parle de son travail, passé et présent, et de son désir de jouer davantage de rôles de cinéma de genre

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Salome Demuria is a graduate of the Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film University. She made her film debut in the 2012 feature Seagull [+lire aussi :
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winning several best actress awards including the Titano d'Oro at San Marino International Film Festival. Her further credits include Steppe Man, The Summer of Frozen Fountains [+lire aussi :
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and House of Others [+lire aussi :
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, for which she won the Golden Arena for Best Acting Performance at Pula International Film Festival. For her performance in the film Inhale-Exhale [+lire aussi :
interview : Salome Demuria
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Demuria was hounored as best actress at Shanghai International Film Festival, Almaty Independent Film Festival and Minsk International Film Festival. Her upcoming work is Rusudan Glurjidze's The Antique.

Now selected for EFP's 2024 European Shooting Stars, she talks to us about her emerging career.

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