“Ho sempre voluto raccontare storie”
Rapporto industria: Tendenze del mercato
Eva Åkergren • Produttrice, Nordisk Film
La Producer on the Move svedese condivide le sue opinioni sulla produzione e il panorama cinematografico del suo paese

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We spoke to Eva Åkergren, a producer currently working for the Swedish division of Nordisk Film. This year, Åkergren has been selected as one of the participants in the European Film Promotion's Producers on the Move initiative. During our chat, the Swedish professional spoke about how she kicked off her career in the film industry, the challenges of producing, and her country's film scene.
Cineuropa: What pushed you to enter this industry?
Eva Åkergren: I have always wanted to tell stories and in high school, I had a course called "moving pictures." From that moment on, I knew I wanted to work with film. After that, I got my first internship at SVT and being in the creative environment of the studios, props, costumes, and editing rooms, I knew I'd found my home. I freelanced as editing assistant and extras coordinator my first years in the industry, and from there I moved into the production office and worked many years as a production manager, line producer and post-producer. I stepped up as a producer when I joined Nordisk Film.
What is the most challenging aspect of a producer's job?
To keep everybody happy! Balancing the different needs and expectations of all stakeholders is the essence of a producer's challenge. Ensuring the satisfaction of your talents, your financiers, your broadcasters and your crew is crucial, while also crafting a film that resonates with audiences. The skills lie not just in meeting each requirement but in blending them to elevate the overall quality of the film.
What about the most rewarding?
When you manage to make a great film and everybody is happy!
How would you judge the current state of Sweden's film scene?
Well, this is a complex question. For many years, we have seen a decline of the audience going to see Swedish films in theatres. This phenomenon is multifaceted, and it's been the subject of extensive debate. I totally agree with Anna Croneman, our new CEO at the Swedish Film Institute, when she said: "We make great series that attracts audiences for TV and streamers, and we make excellent arthouse films which have gained international recognition. And now we need to produce films that make the audience want to leave the comfort of their couches and go back to the theatres."
How do you think being one of the Producers on the Move will benefit your career?
I am optimistic that my participation will lead to fresh and exciting collaborations, as well as the creation of even greater films. Certainly, it will expand my international network and potentially open up previously inaccessible opportunities.
What are your next projects?
I have some projects in development with distinctive filmmakers like Farima Karimi, Iram Haq, Lisa Aschan and Jon Blåhed. I’m also very excited about Amanda Kernell's new feature film, titled The Curse – A Love Story, which is currently in the pre-production phase.
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