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Industria / Mercato - Islanda

Rapporto industria: Iniziative green e sostenibilità

Il Centro cinematografico islandese dà il via a un progetto pilota di produzione cinematografica sostenibile


L'iniziativa offrirà un'opportunità unica alle case di produzione di adottare pratiche rispettose dell'ambiente

Il Centro cinematografico islandese dà il via a un progetto pilota di produzione cinematografica sostenibile
sx-dx: Brita Synnøve Holt Vistnes (Green Producers Club), Anton Máni Svansson (SÍK), Anna María Karlsdóttir (Icelandic Film Centre), Karólína Stefánsdóttir (USE SEE), Gísli Snær Erlingsson (Icelandic Film Centre) e Mads Astrup Rønning (Green Producers Club) dopo l'annuncio (© Centro cinematografico islandese)

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Last week, the Icelandic Film Centre (IFC) launched a one-year pilot project aimed at collecting data on carbon emissions during the production of selected projects. The initiative is in line with the agenda set out by Icelandic film policy from 2020-2030, the main goals of which include the promotion and strengthening of sustainable filmmaking practices.

In detail, the IFC is working alongside the Green Producers Club on the use of a carbon calculator. IFC director Gísli Snær Erlingsson and founder of the Green Producers Club Mads Astrup Rønning signed a cooperation agreement at the Grósku Idea House in Reykjavík on 9 April.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

For this purpose, the Green Producers Tool (GPT), which is widely used in the Nordic countries, has been chosen. Consideration has been given to regional factors in calculating carbon emissions, and the project aims to shed light on the carbon footprint of film production in Iceland and ways to reduce it. Moreover, the use of the tool is tied to membership of the Green Producers Club.

Production outfits using the tool and in receipt of production bursaries or letters of commitment, and set to commence filming between 15 April 2024 and 1 May 2025, may receive backing from the IFC equivalent to a one-year membership fee.

Membership fees are based on the scale of the projects. For projects budgeted at less than 100 million Icelandic crowns (or €663,500), the fee is €1,000. For projects budgeted at between 100 million and 400 million Icelandic crowns (approximately €2.65 million), the fee stands at €2,000. For projects budgeted at over 400 million Icelandic crowns, the fee is €4,000.

The pilot project offers a unique opportunity for production firms to adopt environmentally friendly practices. Meanwhile, the IFC will participate in the ongoing development of the calculator for specific Icelandic conditions. An Icelandic office of the Green Producers Club has also been established, with the Association of Icelandic Film Producers (SÍK) having already become a member.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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