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Cannes 2020 - Marché du Film

Rapporto industria: Nuovi Media

Cannes XR Virtual offre un nuovo spazio per le nuove tecnologie


In collaborazione con il Museum of Other Realities, Tribeca Film Festival, Kaleidoscope e VeeR, l'evento all'avanguardia del Marché du Film si sta preparando per concentrarsi sull'industria immersiva

Cannes XR Virtual offre un nuovo spazio per le nuove tecnologie
La piattaforma del Museum of Other Realities (MOR), che presenterà l'intero programma di realtà virtuale di Cannes XR Virtual

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As has already been confirmed, the 2020 edition of Cannes’ Marché du Film will run as a standalone, online market from 22-26 June. Consequently, Cannes XR, the event dedicated to immersive technologies and works, is also being reshaped into Cannes XR Virtual. For three days, from 24-26 June, Cannes XR Virtual will welcome film professionals, XR artists, tech companies, independent producers, and location-based and online distributors to invite them to explore the future of cinema.

The executive director of the Marché du Film, Jérôme Paillard, underlined: “It is a very special edition. After having prepared for a promising edition in Cannes, where for the first time we would have expanded the VR to Palm Beach, we had to reinvent Cannes XR and find a way to move it online. With our spectacular team and our wonderful partners, I’m very impressed to see how fast it has been possible to build a totally new concept where we will be able to show worldwide, and with optimal quality, the VR experiences that we were expecting to show in Cannes.”

Cannes XR Virtual will unspool in various formats and on several platforms, initiating new partnerships for this edition.

For virtual reality users, the event will be open for business in the virtual museums and social venue of the Museum of Other Realities (MOR), which will showcase the entire virtual programme. It will remain available until 3 July through the MOR app on Steam, Viveport or Oculus. Furthermore, the Cannes XR Virtual 2D live video stream will be shot by a virtual cameraman from the MOR, and this will include the conferences, pitching sessions and project presentations. Apart from being available on the Marché du Film Online, the live stream will also be hosted on the Tribeca Film Festival and Kaleidoscope websites. Also, for those professionals who don’t have VR headsets at their disposal, a network of partner location-based entertainment hubs in several cities in France, China and the USA will offer access to Cannes XR Virtual.

Robin Stethem, co-founder of the MOR, stated: “Creating a virtual venue that can host numerous showcases, VR arcades, 360-degree cinemas and networking spaces where some of the finest global digital players can meet and interact is what we love to do. The MOR is a place to connect, share and experience virtual reality art with others, and so we hope everyone who is interested in XR creation will join us for the virtual edition of Cannes XR.”

Cannes XR Virtual is partnering with the Tribeca Film Festival, which will showcase its Tribeca Immersive 2020 programme, including several world premieres that didn’t manage to debut earlier this year at the postponed 19th edition of the festival. “This is an exciting moment to share our immersive curation with an expanded global audience, and Cannes is the perfect partner to help us to accomplish this,” Loren Hammonds, Tribeca’s senior programmer at Film & Immersive, stated.

Also, the Cannes XR Development Showcase, which is curated in tandem with Kaleidoscope, will feature virtual and augmented reality titles in development that will be pitched and presented to a number of selected decision makers. René J Pinnell, CEO and co-founder of Kaleidoscope, remarked: “This is the second year in a row that we are collaborating with Cannes XR, and we are very proud that in 2020 our role within this prestigious event has grown. I believe that events like Cannes XR are crucial hotspots on the global map of independent immersive creation, and play a major role in building a system of support for digital artists.”

The 360-degree cinematic experiences selected for Cannes XR Virtual will be showcased on the leading VR entertainment video platform VeeR, which will introduce VeeR 360 Cinema. Also, the platform is inviting artists around the world to submit their work to be featured in this inaugural collaboration with Cannes XR Virtual. The selected 360-degree VR films will be showcased for five days, and the winner will be presented with the VeeR Future Award and will be given a cash bonus and a premium distribution package worth $10,000, which includes a global marketing campaign, online and location-based entertainment distribution, and Chinese localisation. "Together with Cannes XR, we aim to find more ways to support immersive content creators, to push the limit of 360-degree content,” said VeeR co-founder Jingshu Chen.

It should be noted that Cannes XR Virtual will be accessible to all industry professionals registered with the Marché du Film Online.

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