Eventi industria

343 eventi disponibili in totale a partire dal 27/06/2011. Ultimo aggiornamento il 23/05/2024. 42 eventi inseriti negli ultimi 12 mesi.


Art Cinema = Action + Management 2012

The 9th training organised by the International Confederation of Art Cinemas has been concluded on September 2nd on the island of San Servolo, Venice.  


27 Times Cinema: Live from Venice 2012

Per la terza edizione di 27 Times Cinema 27 giovani cinefili dell'Unione Europea coprono la 69ma Mostra del Cinema di Venezia.  


Good Pitch Europe 2012

8 documentary filmmaking teams gathered in London to pitch their projects to NGOs and potential partners for funding and distribution support...  


10 European directors to watch at the KVIFF 2012

Cineuropa has met with the 10 European talents at the Karlory Vary International Film Festival and presents you with their interviews...  


Sunny Side of the Doc 2012

The 23rd edition of Sunny Side of the Doc: the documentary co-production market opened in La Rochelle (France). Cineuropa is live tweeting the event with...  


Producers on the move 2012

25 produttori selezionatissimi da tutta Europa parteciperanno alla piattaforma di networking di 'Producers on the Move' tra il 19 e il 22 maggio nel corso...  


European Short Pitch 2012

La sessione finale del NISI MASA's European Short Pitch si è tenuta a Maribor, in Slovenia. Giovani registi e sceneggiatori hanno potuto incontrare...  


Production Value 2012

In january 2012, Malta welcomed The 6th edition of the only training workshop dedicated to the art and craft of scheduling and budgeting European feature films.  


Follow the 84th Academy Awards live on Cineuropa

LIVE FEED: Cineuropa is following the ceremony and will update this article live with the awards and instant Twitter comments using the official hashtag #Oscars  


Cineuropa's TOP 5 Best European Movies of 2011

Each member of our team has put together his own Top 5 selection of favorite films that were released or had their premiere in 2011. Find their...  


European Shooting Stars 2012

Giovani e pieni di talento, arricchiranno il futuro del cinema europeo. Nel 2012 l'EFP punta i riflettori sulle dieci nuove Shooting Stars  


European Film Awards 2011

L'apocalittico dramma di Lars Von Trier Melancholia ha ottenuto il massimo riconoscimento alla 24ma edizione degli European Film Awards sabato.  


Arab Spring

In occasione della prima conferenza regionale del Programma Euromed Audiovisuel III (Tunisi, 14-15 Novembre 2011), Cineuropa pubblica il dossier Arab Spring  


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