Sabine Azéma (L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria) Filmografia parziale interpretazione2024Riviera Revenge2023Wow!2021Secret Name2019Tanguy is Back2017KnockRaid Dingue2016Cézanne et moiMy Family Already Adores You2015Cosmos2014Life of Riley2012You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet2011The Well Digger's Daughter2010Donnant, Donnant2009Happy End2008Gli amori folliPark BenchesLe Voyage aux Pyrénées2006Cuori2005Incontri d'amorePerfume of the Lady in Black2003The Mystery of the Yellow RoomPAS SUR LA BOUCHE2001The Officers' WardTanguy1988Histoire(s) du cinéma1986Mélo1984Una domenica in campagnaLove Unto Death