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Anne Schultka • Responsabile ricerca e editing, CineRegio

"Le crescenti richieste di un'equa rappresentanza in tutti i settori hanno contribuito a ispirare il nostro rapporto"


- La responsabile della ricerca e dell'editing della rete di fondi regionali in Europa parla della nuova pubblicazione sugli strumenti di genere e diversità per l'industria

Anne Schultka • Responsabile ricerca e editing, CineRegio
(© Eryk Piotr Munk)

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

CineRegio, the network of regional film funds in Europe, today represents 54 regional film funds from 12 European Union Member States, Norway, Switzerland and the UK, and is continuously expanding. One of its aims, publishing reports to help professionals improve their practices, has led it to publish its second report on tools to overcome the obstacles on the gender and diversity side of the industry. Anne Schultka, research and editing manager of the network, discusses the report, which you can access here.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Cineuropa: What inspired the creation of the second edition of the CineRegio Gender Equality & Diversity toolbox/publication? Was there a specific event, trend or demand from members that prompted its development?
Anne Schultka: Since the first edition, many new activities and initiatives by our members have emerged, making it worthwhile to launch a second edition. Sharing best practices has always been a cornerstone of CineRegio's approach, allowing members to learn from each other, adapt solutions to similar problems and work more sustainably by conserving resources.

Broader societal movements for gender equality and diversity, and increasing calls for equitable representation in all sectors, also played a role in inspiring the second edition. This has raised the profile and urgency of these issues, reinforcing the importance of our work.

How do you envision this publication contributing to the ongoing conversation and efforts surrounding gender equality, diversity and inclusion within the CineRegio community and the wider film industry?
The second edition, like the first, is a testament to CineRegio's commitment to continuous improvement. By regularly updating and expanding our resources, we aim to ensure that our members have access to the most up-to-date and effective tools and strategies for promoting gender equality and diversity in their respective regions.

In addition, by highlighting our activities and providing concrete examples of effective practices, the publication also aims to inspire and motivate stakeholders within the wider film industry to take actionable steps towards inclusivity.

Could you elaborate on some of the key strategies and initiatives shared by the 12 members featured in the publication? What are some common themes or innovative approaches that emerged from their contributions?
In this publication, we have adopted a new structure to better showcase our members' initiatives. Unlike the first edition, which grouped activities under broad themes such as data collection and training, this edition devotes a chapter to each member portrayed. This provides a comprehensive overview of their diverse efforts in one place. To ensure that readers can still easily navigate to topics of interest, we have introduced 'tags' such as Gender Balance, Inclusive Practices and Youth & Talent. These tags and their frequency provide insight into common themes across members' activities.

Many members are committed to industry collaboration and data-driven approaches to ensure accountability and transparency in their diversity efforts. Let me give you two examples.

The MOIN Film Fund's OMNI Inclusion Data tool, launched at this year's Berlinale, aims to provide valuable insights into diversity on film sets by collecting data directly from cast and crew. This data-driven approach allows for concrete tracking, analysis and reporting of diversity metrics, which is essential for making informed policy decisions and fostering an inclusive environment.

And secondly, Film London's Equal Access Network empowers underrepresented talent by connecting them to industry opportunities. The network provides training, mentoring and networking opportunities to ensure that diverse voices are heard and included in the film industry. 

There are, of course, many other great examples. You can find them all in the publication.

Collaboration appears to be a central theme in the development of this publication. How do you believe collaborative efforts among CineRegio members can further advance the goals of promoting gender equality, diversity, and inclusion within the film industry?
As mentioned earlier, by working together, members can pool resources, share best practices and learn from each other's experiences. Cine Regio's collective approach aims to enable successful strategies to be adapted to different regional contexts, thereby increasing their overall impact. Collaboration also fosters innovation by exposing members to different perspectives and solutions. It also strengthens advocacy efforts by presenting a united front that ideally influences broader industry standards and policies.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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