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Golem lancia una campagna di sostenibilità pionieristica


- Con il lancio del film francese Arthur Rambo di Laurent Cantet, la società di distribuzione spagnola avvia una serie di azioni volte ad abbattere le emissioni di carbonio in questo settore

Golem lancia una campagna di sostenibilità pionieristica
Arthur Rambo di Laurent Cantet

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

For the French film Arthur Rambo [+leggi anche:
intervista: Laurent Cantet
scheda film
, Navarre-based company Golem Distribución has committed to increased sustainability by engaging in consultancy with, a tech company specialising in the entertainment sector, which developed the strategy for the launch campaign for the latest opus by Laurent Cantet in Spain.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Once the promotional activities for this feature have been completed, the carbon footprint will be measured in order to ascertain the impact it will have on the environment. Thus, the firm will be able to compensate for it through reforestation projects. In this way, the film, which was screened at the most recent editions of the Toronto and San Sebastián Film Festivals (and which landed in Spanish movie theatres on 22 April), has become the first carbon-neutral feature, representing a sustainability milestone when it comes to film distribution.

Among the measures adopted by Golem, it’s worth highlighting those related to mobility, materials and accommodation. Thanks to these, a reduction of up to 16 tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, or the equivalent of eight Olympic-sized swimming pools, will be made possible. The good practices adhered to during the promotional campaign have resulted in a reduction of more than 51% in the carbon footprint.

Golem Distribución has also adopted energy-efficiency measures at its headquarters, such as the use of low-consumption electronic equipment, LED lighting, temperature regulation and so on. This is in addition to its policy of encouraging working from home, reducing the emissions stemming from energy consumption by 10%. Furthermore, it has opted to use environmentally friendly mobility options, placing an emphasis on public transport over private vehicles, and encouraging train journeys instead of flights for travelling long distances. Besides this, hybrids are the vehicles of choice for short journeys. Taking all of this into account, mobility-related emissions have dropped by 56% in total.

The accommodation required by the team during promotional activities was chosen very carefully. A sustainable chain of hotels was selected, located near to the promotional events themselves, thus making journeys on foot an easy option for a large proportion of the team. Such planning led to a 50% reduction in the carbon footprint. Another measure with a positive impact was the digitisation of many documents used during the campaign and the use of recycled paper for those that did need to be printed. This, coupled with a policy of avoiding plastic consumption, enabled a 75% reduction in the usual emissions.

However, according to a statement from the company, Golem’s commitment goes way beyond the policies adopted for this specific campaign, as it has also adopted a proactive attitude in terms of raising awareness among workers, partners and the general public. This is because part of the firm’s philosophy is to strive to spread the word about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to help them be fulfilled.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

(Tradotto dallo spagnolo)

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