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Europa Film Festivals ed Europa International firmano un documento per rafforzare i rapporti tra festival e agenti di vendita


- Le due parti hanno firmato una "Guida alle buone pratiche e protocollo per una buona comprensione reciproca" al Galway Film Fair di quest'anno, la sezione industry del festival Galway Film Fleadh

Europa Film Festivals ed Europa International firmano un documento per rafforzare i rapporti tra festival e agenti di vendita
La firma dell'accordo (© Andrew Downes, XPOSURE)

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

Last week, Europa International, the European organisation for international sales agents, and Europa Film Festivals (a network of 12 European festivals launched at the 2020 edition of the Galway Film Fleadh) signed a document titled "The Guide of Good Practices and Memorandum of Understanding".

Announced at this year’s Marché du Film during a panel organised by Cinando’s Festivals Hub (read the news), the agreement aims to strengthen the relationships between sales outfits and festivals.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

The memorandum covers a variety of topics including the definition of the roles of festivals and sales agents, screening fees, premiere status, online screenings, non-theatrical exploitation, festivals doing distribution and VoD, booking processes, communication, data collection and guest coordination. From the sales perspective, the official press release states, the paper will give festival managers a ready-made and efficient tool to train junior staff and have a reference for working with festivals from all over the world.

The document was unveiled during the Galway Film Fair, the Fleadh’s annual industry sidebar gathering industry reps from over 35 countries. It will be published on Europa International’s website over the course of this month, and on Europa Film Festivals’ in August.

“Sales and festivals are working together on a daily basis, but sometimes a lack of communication may lead to stressful situations. The idea behind the documents was to smoothen the relationship between partners. We need each other, and it is always better when we have a common ground of understanding!” said Alexis Juncosa, artistic director of the Luxembourg City Film Festival, a member of Europa Film Festivals.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

(Tradotto dall'inglese)

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