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Studio sul ruolo delle piccole e medie imprese nel settore dell'home entertainment


- La relazione descrive inizialmente la situazione dell’home entertainment in Europa in termini di ampiezza e profondità, analizzando le abitudini e le tendenze di mercato in Europa, il ruolo delle PMI dell’audiovisivo in Europa; prosegue focalizzando le sfide e le opportunità provenienti dalle nuove piattaforme di distribuzione.

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

The aim of this study is to identify the challenges and opportunities facing the European home entertainment sector as a whole and to make recommendations on how the MEDIA Programme can help European SMEs and audiovisual works make the most of current changes.

The first part of this report provides an overview about current home entertainment practices and market trends in Europe on the one hand, and about the role of European audiovisual SMEs active in this sector and of European audiovisual works on the other hand.
This analysis is necessary in order to draw a clear picture (both in terms of breadth – various countries and segments - as of depth – practices, industry, market and legal base) of the European home entertainment sector. Building on this analysis, the report then focuses on challenges and opportunities brought about by new distribution platforms for European audiovisual works and for the European SMEs of the home entertainment sector. It formulates a series of recommendation on how the European Commission should take these into account in the context of its policies and actions in favour of the audiovisual industries and its SMEs.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Read the:
- pdf Summary
- pdf Final Report

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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