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I Deauville Green Awards celebrano i film sostenibili


- In inglese: La sesta edizione dei premi ha presentato una serie di film con messaggi positivi

I Deauville Green Awards celebrano i film sostenibili
The winners of the 2017 Deauville Green Awards (© Birgit Heidsiek)

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The sixth edition of the Deauville Green Awards brought together about 400 filmmakers and ecology experts who exchanged information on sustainable developments and innovations. At the two-day event, 370 commercials, corporate films and documentaries were presented across 14 competition categories.

“What is new this year is that most of the films are positive,” said Georges Pessis, director of the Deauville Green Awards, who founded the festival together with François Morgant. “For years, we have been watching films on ecology saying that the weather is going to change, or that there won’t be enough food, clean water or air. This is over now. In France, many films are taking a very positive view and are presenting solutions in order to create a green world.”

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A promising approach is taken in Emmaüs - L'écologie est bien plus qu'une mode, which promotes products that have been remanufactured with recycled materials. This inspiring commercial won Jean-Charles Lavegie and Olivier d'Arfeuille the Grand Prix. The value of water is a key issue in La bouche, c'est la vie, for which Vincent Lorca received the Award for Best Corporate Film. The Grand Prix for Best Documentary went to Climat – Guerres - Migrations: Les liaisons by French filmmaker Christine Oberdoff, who shows the complex correlations between the climate, war and migration. Her film also received the Golden Green Award in the “fight and adaptation to climate change” category.

Among the themes that were explored at several panel discussions and debates with a number of scientists at the awards were topics such as renewables, mobility, food and sustainable film production. Experts explained the best practices that could be adopted to bring down the carbon footprint of a film production. Finally, the Ecoprod Prize for Environmentally Friendly Production went to the documentary Expedition Amerique du sud: Les gardiens du temps by Geoffroy and Loic La Tullaye.

Here are the winners of the main prizes at the Deauville Green Awards:

Grand Prix for Best Commercial
Emmaüs - L'écologie est bien plus qu'une mode – Jean-Charles Lavegie and Olivier d'Arfeuille 

Grand Prix for Best Corporate Film
La bouche, c'est la vie
 – Vincent Lorca

Grand Prix for Best Documentary
Climat – Guerres – Migrations: Les liaisons – Christine Oberdoff 

Ecoprod Prize for Environmentally Friendly Production
Expedition Amerique du sud: Les gardiens du temps – Geoffroy and Loic La Tullaye

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