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Vertical Entertainment diventa il più prolifico distributore cinematografico rumeno


- In inglese: Un totale di 203 film sono usciti nei cinema nazionali nel 2017

Vertical Entertainment diventa il più prolifico distributore cinematografico rumeno

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

Vertical Entertainment, a relatively new distributor that in 2014 took over Warner Bros releases from Media Pro Distribution, became the most prolific Romanian distributor, with 44 releases in 2017, according to statistics published by the Romanian National Film Center

The champion of 2016, Ro Image 2000, the local partner of Paramount Studios and Universal Pictures, came in in second place, with 38 releases, followed by Intercom Film (Sony Pictures, 15 releases) and Romania’s biggest European and arthouse film distributor, Independenţa Film (15 releases). Cine Europa, a company founded in 2015 (see the news), follows close behind with 14 releases. The top ten is rounded off by Odeon Cineplex (20th Century Fox, 14 releases), Forum Film (Walt Disney Pictures, 13), Transilvania Film (13), Micro Film (four) and Voodoo Films (three).

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

A total of 203 films were released last year in Romania, a significant decrease from the 228 features released in 2016.

As for European movies, 71 features were released in Romania last year, a slight increase when compared with 2016 (69 films), but still far from the record set in 2015, when as many as 80 European features were released in Romanian cinemas. As fewer American productions were released in 2017, the year saw a better balance struck between the market shares of American and European films: 49% versus 35%, a significant increase from 2013, for example, when American films had a market share of 62% and European titles a market share of a mere 19%.

As for Romanian films, 28 features were released in 2017. It was the third consecutive year of growth for domestic cinema, after 2016 (with 25 releases) and 2015 (22 releases).

(Tradotto dall'inglese)

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