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Lo SVOD rappresenta il 60% della crescita dei ricavi dei servizi audiovisivi a pagamento


- In inglese: La Pubblicazione delle tendenze chiave dell'Osservatorio europeo dell'audiovisivo, ora per la prima volta gratis online, fa luce sui dati del VOD per abbonamento

Lo SVOD rappresenta il 60% della crescita dei ricavi dei servizi audiovisivi a pagamento

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

The European Audiovisual Observatory's Key Trends 2017/18 report finds:

  • Pay-television revenues increased by 2.8% in Europe in 2016, the lowest growth rate since 2012
  • SVoD still only accounted for 7% of pay-services revenues as its tariffs are much lower than legacy pay-TV
  • But SVoD generated 60% of the increase of the segment

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

The European Audiovisual Observatory's Key Trends 2017/18 publication is now available free on line for the first time (download here). This 72-page report gives a practical and handy overview of the film, VoD and television sectors in Europe, covering 41 countries. The Observatory is proud to make this publication free of charge just ahead of the Cannes Film Festival. The report's coordinator, Gilles Fontaine (Head of the Observatory's Department for Information on markets and financing) said that "film professionals preparing their Cannes strategy could get valuable background data on the European VoD industry from this new publication".

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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