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Jonás Trueba lavora al progetto Quién lo impide


- Il regista ha filmato alcuni adolescenti per due anni e ora espone a Madrid il meglio di quel materiale, che diventerà anche un film

Jonás Trueba lavora al progetto Quién lo impide
Jonás Trueba e la sua squadra di adolescenti durante i preparativi di Quién lo impide

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

Nobody could accuse Jonás Trueba (Madrid, 1981) of being overly accommodating or content to rest on his laurels. Not only has he made absolute freedom his own personal signature, he also teaches classes for the next generation of directors and is currently immersed in the kind of project not often seen in Spanish cinema, entitled Quién lo impide [+leggi anche:
intervista: Jonás Trueba
scheda film
. After shooting The Reconquest [+leggi anche:
intervista: Jonás Trueba
scheda film
, Madrid-born Trueba became fascinated with two of his young actors — Candela Recio and Pablo Hoyos. Since then, he has spent months filming them and other young people as they attend schools in different neighbourhoods across the capital and in the city’s parks and public spaces, using a pared-down crew to achieve the requisite sense of intimacy.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Blurring the boundaries between documentary and fiction, Trueba’s footage depicts teenagers in breathtakingly realistic scenarios, capturing their conversations and recreating their everyday lives. “I realised that the real interest and potential of this entire project lay in trying to create new frameworks for action — for filming and creating a cinematic record, whether documentary or fiction, but also for circulating and exhibiting and encouraging reflection, with the intention of continuing to share film and share our lives. It was very clear that we had a major challenge on our hands: an ongoing cinematographic, audiovisual and multidisciplinary project whose true value lay precisely in the way it expanded into different formats and different domains, and in our own capacity to adapt to that while remaining thoughtful and generous,” said the director behindLos exiliados románticos [+leggi anche:
intervista: Jonás Trueba
scheda film

The result is four and a half hours of film, on show today, 20 June 2018, in an immersive cinematic experience, on four different screens at Cineteca (in Madrid’s Matadero arts centre). The images are complemented by music by groups featuring the teens who appear on screen, additional footage and discussions that could help shape the future of the project.

Quién lo impide, which promises to offer a new, authentic and different perspective on today’s youth, is a joint production between Los ilusos Films (Jonás Trueba and Javier Lafuente) and Cineteca Madrid.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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