Europa Distribution al MIA di Roma
di Cineuropa
- Il 19 ottobre si terrà un panel aperto dal titolo "Why Together is Better: come la collaborazione tra settori può aiutare la promozione di film indipendenti"
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Europa Distribution will hold its 13th Annual Conference in the scope of MIA Market - Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo - in Rome. The event will take place from October 16 to 19 and will bring together around sixty independent distributors, all members of the European network.
Continuing with the now traditional "Everything you always wanted to know about distribution but were afraid to ask" talk series, on Saturday 19 October from 09.30 to 11.00 Europa Distribution and MIA will co-host an open panel entitled "Why Together is Better: How collaboration between sectors can help the promotion of independent films."
The discussion will focus on the role of film distribution today and on the value of the synergy and cooperation among the different players involved in film production, distribution and exhibition. Because of their specific place in the value chain, distributors are playmakers linking the creative and production part of a film's life with the exhibition part and the audiences. They have a pivotal role in creating a market for a film when it moves to its b2b life to the b2c one. This role makes them work with each other as well as with other sectors of the value chain, essentially the international sales and the exhibition sectors. Times are tough and collaboration has rightly won its place in the current debates, notably as part of the Distribution Selective Scheme. This panel wants to be a place where all players can discuss with the audience the needs of their evolving sector, and how to make it better for the sake of independent films.
The confirmed panellists are the film director Gianni Zanasi, the producer Ed Guiney (Element Pictures, Ireland), the sales agent Katarzyna Siniarska (New Europe Film Sales, Poland), the distributor Stefano Massenzi (Lucky Red and Co-president of Europa Distribution, Italy), the exhibitor Kim Foss (Grand Teatret Copenhagen, Denmark), and the VoD platform representative Guido Zucchini (CHILI, Italy).
Attending distributors will also participate in the MIA activities, including works in progress and special screenings, meetings and networking events. Europa Distribution's General Assembly will provide an opportunity for members to discuss the activities of the Association, while the many evolutions to come for the independent distribution sector, will be addressed during dedicated round tables. Together, distributors will explore ideas to increase the circulation and promotion of independent films.
(Tradotto dall'inglese)
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