Il norvegese Filmweb Drive-In Cinema si rivela un successo ai tempi del coronavirus
- Il drive-in, che si trova appena fuori Oslo, ha ospitato 28 proiezioni sold-out tra il 7 e il 14 aprile, attirando quasi 10.000 spettatori; la Lituania sta seguendo l'esempio
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Norway’s Filmweb Drive-In Cinema initiative has been a great success, with 28 sold-out screenings in one week, 17 titles shown and almost 10,000 viewers in attendance. This good news, first reported by nordiskfilmogtvfond.com, may represent a valid – albeit perhaps temporary – alternative to the traditional methods of cinematic enjoyment and certainly allows viewers to unexpectedly delve into the past.
The initiative, jointly organised by Filmweb, Nordisk Film Cinemas, ODEON Cinema, Telenor Arena and REMA 1000, seems to fully guarantee the safety standards required during the coronavirus outbreak. The films are projected on an 18x7-metre screen, and the sound comes through 24 bass speakers and the FM radios in viewers’ cars.
Tickets, exclusively sold online, are valid per vehicle and can be used for up to five people. Access to the first four rows costs 375 Norwegian crowns (approximately €33), while the farthest rows are priced at 275 Norwegian crowns (around €24).
To ensure a satisfactory cinema experience as well as adequate safety standards, passenger cars are the only permitted vehicles; SUVs and other large cars may be parked at the back or the sides to ensure clear sight lines, convertible cars are only allowed if the roof is closed, and no food or drinks will be served, although customers are free to bring their own snacks. Any violation of these rules will result in the expulsion of a vehicle and all its passengers, without the possibility of a refund.
Another cinema seems to be following Norway’s lead. Today, Lithuania’s first drive-in cinema, the Žmonės Cinema Drive-in, will open in Vilnius, though stricter safety measures will be in place, allowing only two people per car. The opening film will be Robertas Razma’s comedy The Perfect Date [+leggi anche:
scheda film].
Tomorrow, Filmweb Drive-In Cinema will host screenings of Kevin Johnson’s Trouble, Johanne Helgeland’s The Crossing [+leggi anche:
intervista: Johanne Helgeland
scheda film] and Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite. The initiative has already been extended for a further two months.
(Tradotto dall'inglese)
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