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Il team di MFI Script 2 Film Workshops conferma la line-up dei suoi eventi


- Con la prima sessione che inizia oggi, il team dietro i workshop, che si svolgeranno in formato ibrido, organizza una serie di presentazioni, conferenze e masterclass con acclamati esperti di cinema

Il team di MFI Script 2 Film Workshops conferma la line-up dei suoi eventi

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As the first session of the 2020 MFI Script 2 Film Workshops gets under way today in hybrid format (see the news), running until 2 August on the Greek island of Nisyros, the script and project development programme has announced its full schedule of events.

Putting the Mediterranean Film Institute’s wealth of experience to good use, the programme will once again aim to develop the projects – which can be films, documentaries or series – from a first draft to an engaging final result. Apart from the scheduled group sessions and individual meetings, this year’s participants will be able to attend (both on location and online) a series of lectures, presentations and master classes.

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Some of the highlights include multi-award-winning American television writer-director Dan Attias (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), who will give a master class on “Writers and Directors as Storytellers”, while Canadian film and TV director-screenwriter Jeremy Podeswa (Game of Thrones) is hosting a special Q&A session. Also, Pavel Jech, head of studies at MIDPOINT, and Christian Routh, co-head of studies at ScripTeast, will give lectures focused on script development.

Regarding project development, in her lectures, co-production consultant Martina Bleis will explore international co-productions and markets, film marketing expert Nicolò Gallio will focus on audience development by examining two case studies from the MFI workshops, Greek distributor Takis Veremis will hold a lecture on distribution, and producer Isabelle Fauvel (of Initiative Film) is hosting a master class that follows the path “From Tutor Shadow to Script Consultant”.

As expected, the pandemic will also be examined, especially through the panel “How to Survive the Digital Shift of COVID-19 – and Make the Most of it”, a topic that will be discussed by a clutch of film experts from leading European markets: Marjorie Bendeck (connecting cottbus), Yianna Sarri (Thessaloniki Agora Doc Market), Angeliki Vergou (Thessaloniki Crossroads Co-production Forum) and Brigid O’Shea (Leipzig DOK Industry).

Finally, on the funding side, Vasiliki Diagouma, head of communication at the National Centre of Audiovisual Media & Communications (EKOME SA), will officially present the new Greek cash-rebate law during the workshop. Also, Anna Kasimati, of the Creative Europe MEDIA Desk in Greece, and film producer Eleni Chandrinou will focus on the funding opportunities offered by Creative Europe - MEDIA, and in the same session, Kasimati and Konstantina Liakopoulou will focus on how Creative Europe – MEDIA collaborates with audiovisual professionals.

MFI’s Script 2 Film Workshops are supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme, the Greek Ministry of Sports and Culture, the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT SA), the National Centre of Audiovisual Media and Communication (EKOME SA), the Secretariat General for the Aegean and Island Policy, and the municipalities of Nisyros and Rhodes.

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