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RIGA 2020 Premi

Il Festival di Riga annuncia i vincitori della sua settima edizione


- Il festival, svoltosi in forma ibrida dal 15 al 25 ottobre, ha visto il trionfo del dramma di Ivan I. Tverdovskiy Conference

Il Festival di Riga annuncia i vincitori della sua settima edizione
La direttrice del Riga IFF Liene Treimane (a sinistra) e la direttrice artistica Sonora Broka durante la cerimonia di premiazione

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

It’s a wrap for the seventh edition of the Riga International Film Festival (15-25 October), which took place in hybrid form owing to the coronavirus crisis. Films were available for viewing in person as well as online all across Latvia. This year’s programme included 129 titles (including shorts) and ten strands, alongside 66 live and 50 online screenings.

Ivan I Tverdovskiy’s drama Conference [+leggi anche:
intervista: Ivan I. Tverdovsky
scheda film
, a movie about overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder, won the Feature Film Competition’s main prize. The section included eight titles, including Yevgeni Pashkevich’s surreal tragicomedy What Silent Gerda Knows [+leggi anche:
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. The jury consisted of director Laila Pakalniņa, head of Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival Marge Liiske, Film Forum Scanorama programmer Dmitrij Gluscevskij, Cinémathèque Française programmer Eva Markovits, and Theo Tsappos from the Swedish Film Institute.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

The main prize at the Riga IFF consists of the festival’s symbol – a bronze cast of the Rooster of Riga created by artist Ervins Broks – along with a cash prize of €2,000. The jury’s Special Mention went to Illum Jacobi’s reflection on philosopher Edmund Burke, The Trouble with Nature [+leggi anche:
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, a subtle satire in the guise of a costume drama, focusing on human relationships with flora and fauna in the wilds of nature.

Speaking about the peculiarities of this year’s edition, festival director Liene Treimane said: “This year has proven that a festival can be different. Cinephiles can still come together despite having to watch films on screens in their homes, and having to distance themselves and observe the multiple restrictions that have been imposed on cinemas. This year, we created a festival like none of us had ever experienced before: it was made up of 129 films and countless online meetings with film professionals from around the world. I would like to extend a special thank you to the festival’s daring team, including the over 100 tireless volunteers, as well as to all of our viewers.”

Here is the complete list of award winners at the 2020 Riga IFF:

Feature Film Competition

Riga IFF Award
Conference [+leggi anche:
intervista: Ivan I. Tverdovsky
scheda film
– Ivan I Tverdovskiy (Russia/Estonia/UK/Italy)
Special Mention
The Trouble with Nature [+leggi anche:
scheda film
– Illum Jacobi (Denmark/France)

Splendid Palace People’s Choice Award
Andrey Tarkovsky. A Cinema Prayer [+leggi anche:
intervista: Andrei A. Tarkovsky
scheda film
Andrey A Tarkovsky Jr (Italy/Russia/Sweden)

Short Riga International Competition – Best Short Film
Symbiosis – Nadja Andrasev (France)

Short Riga National Competition – Best Short Film
II Lines - Alise Zariņa (Latvia)

Short Riga Baltic Music Video Competition

Best Music Video
Puuluup – Kapapuu – Zbanski Kino (Estonia)
Special Mention
Kabloonak – Bruises on Her Legs - Igne Narbutaite and Kabloonak (Lithuania)

Kids Weekend Feature Film Competition – Best Film
Romy’s Salon [+leggi anche:
scheda film
– Mischa Kamp (Netherlands/Germany)

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(Tradotto dall'inglese)

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