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Il CNC dedica 10 M€ a progetti di investimento tecnico


- Studi di ripresa, produzione digitale e riduzione dell'impronta di carbonio sono al centro di un sostegno eccezionale volto a modernizzare l'apparato produttivo

Il CNC dedica 10 M€ a progetti di investimento tecnico
La presidente del CNC Dominique Boutonnat

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

Encouraging investments in large-scale technical projects which favour lasting digital modernisation of the film, audiovisual and video game production system: this is the objective of the new temporary special support measure which has been introduced by the CNC and endowed with €10m within the wider context of the industry’s recovery plan (read our news).

Besides providing an immediate response to the impact of the health crisis and the loss of liquidity which is weakening businesses within the technical industries sector, the CNC is looking to bring about "a veritable modernising shake-up of the production system" in favour of organisations with ambitious growth goals who are aiming to enhance their international competitiveness.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

For the CNC’s President Dominique Boutonnat, "France has everything it needs to be one of the biggest shoot locations in the world. We need to give new impetus to our efforts. International attractiveness and modernisation of our technical industries are key in order to plan for the future and to seize any opportunities arising from the growth of SVOD platforms and the transposition of the AVMS Directive. Now is the time for us to prepare our offensive and to equip ourselves with the best available tools!"

These funds (which could total up to €800,000 per company and per project) are aimed at consolidating the industrial fabric of the sector by accelerating investments in film studios (in the form of equipment aligned with new methods of film and series production), as well as in the field of digital production (a sector in which France is already a forerunner, boasting recognised talent, top-rate schools and technical expertise, notably in the fields of visual effects, animation and video games), with a view to competing with the growing expertise demonstrated by countries producing audiovisual products at a low cost. And objectives such as these must be accompanied by a reduction in the environmental impact of film production.

This temporary support system will grant support, in the form of subsidies, up until 30 June 2021, with two sessions on the agenda (see the first call for projects here) headed up by a committee steered by Gilles Gaillard (former CEO of Mikros Image) and comprising, among others, director of photography Jeanne Lapoirie and producer Carole Scotta (Haut et Court), as well as experts from Federation Entertainment, Mediawan, Netflix, Quantic Dream, Les Androïds Associés, Ciné Fabrique, Dwarf Animation Studio and Workflowers.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

(Tradotto dal francese)

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