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Abd Al Malik gira L'affaire de l'esclave Furcy


- Makita Samba, Romain Duris, Ana Girardot e Vincent Macaigne nel cast del secondo lungometraggio del cineasta, una produzione Jerico Films e Arches Films venduta da France tv distribution

Abd Al Malik gira L'affaire de l'esclave Furcy
L'attore Makita Samba

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Since 29 January, Abd Al Malik has been shooting L'affaire de l'esclave Furcy, his second feature film after the much acclaimed May Allah Bless France [+leggi anche:
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(the winner of the Fipresci Prize in the 2014 Toronto Discovery section, which was later nominated for the Best First Film César and Lumière awards in 2015).

The titular role is entrusted to Makita Samba (nominated for the Best New Hope César and for the Acting Revelation Lumière in 2002 thanks to Paris, 13th District [+leggi anche:
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), who’ll be shored up by Romain Duris (nominated for the Best Actor César five times, including this year for The Animal Kingdom [+leggi anche:
intervista: Thomas Cailley
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, and hitting screens soon in Une part manquante), Ana Girardot (nominated for the 2015 Acting Revelation Lumière and hitting French cinemas tomorrow in Madame de Sévigné) and Vincent Macaigne (nominated for the 2022 and 2023 Best Actors Césars, well-received this month in Berlin in Suspended Time [+leggi anche:
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, and hitting screens soon in Trois amies), alongside Ethiopia’s Liya Kebede (especially acclaimed in Samba [+leggi anche:
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and Capital [+leggi anche:
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), Frédéric Pierrot (nominated for 2012’s Best Supporting Role César via Poliss [+leggi anche:
intervista: Maïwenn
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and playing the lead in the series En thérapie), André Marcon (nominated for 2016’s Best Actor César thanks to Marguerite [+leggi anche:
intervista: Xavier Giannoli
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), Micha Lescot (Forever Young [+leggi anche:
intervista: Valeria Bruni Tedeschi
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), Moussa Mansaly (Slumlord [+leggi anche:
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) and Philippe Torreton (awarded the Best Actor César in 1997 and further nominated for the same trophy in 2000, 2005 and 2012).

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Adapted by Étienne Comar (nominated for 2011’s Best Original Screenplay César by way of Of Gods and Men [+leggi anche:
intervista: Xavier Beauvois
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) from Mohammed Aïssaoui’s novel of the same name (based on a true story) the story transports us to Reunion Island in 1817. Following his mother’s death, slave Furcy discovers documents which could turn him into a free man. With the help of an abolitionist prosecutor, he launches himself into a legal battle to gain recognition of his rights...

L'affaire de l'esclave Furcy is produced by Éric Jehelmann and Philippe Rousselet on behalf of Jerico Films and by Étienne Comar for Arches Films, in co-production with France 3 Cinéma and Prod Lab. Pre-purchased by Canal+, Ciné+ and France Télévisions, the feature film also enjoys support from the CNC (via the centre’s advance on receipts and Images de la diversité fund), the Ile-de-France and Réunion regions, Chanel and the SOFICA company Cofinova. Having kicked off in Ile-de-France, filming is now continuing on Reunion Island where it’s set to wrap on 28 March. The movie’s release in French cinemas is entrusted to Memento Distribution with international sales falling to France tv distribution, who kicked off presales on the title at the European Film Market.  

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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