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PRODUZIONE / FINANZIAMENTI Finlandia / Svezia / Belgio / Estonia

Juuso Syrjä e Måns Månsson dirigono la serie catastrofica Estonia


- Lo show in otto episodi, venduto da Beta Film, promette di essere il più grande progetto di fiction tv mai realizzato in Finlandia

Juuso Syrjä e Måns Månsson dirigono la serie catastrofica Estonia
(© Beta Film)

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Finland’s biggest drama project ever will begin filming this spring. The eight-part show, titled Estonia, will see together again Bordertown creator Miikko Oikkonen and helmer Juuso Syrjä, who is attached to direct with Måns Månsson (the TV series Snabba Cash [+leggi anche:
intervista: Evin Ahmad
scheda series
). Today, Beta Film has acquired its international sales. The announcement was first reported by Variety.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

In detail, the story is based on the true story of Europe’s deadliest maritime disaster of the 20th century and captures the true event of the sinking of the MS Estonia, the country’s largest ship. In September 1994, the cruise ferry was hit by a major storm, which led to uncontrolled tilting. Within one hour, the MS Estonia sank in Finnish waters in the Baltic Sea, claiming more than 850 lives. The series will chronicle the subsequent investigation launched jointly by Estonia, Finland and Sweden. Since the confidentiality agreement signed by all investigators and authorities ended in 2019, Estonia will deliver insights into conflicts, lies and conspiracy theories which have recently emerged. The character-driven story will be told through the eyes of survivors, rescuers, family members, politicians, investigators and journalists.

Estonia is being produced by Matti Halonen and Johannes Lassila for Beta Nordic Studio’s Finnish banner Fisher King, and co-produced by Martina Stöhr and Petra Jönsson for Sweden’s Kärnfilm AB, André Logie for Belgium’s Panache Production, Riina Sildos for Estonia’s Amrion Oü, Swedish-Finnish streaming service C More and broadcaster TV4 and MTV Finland, in collaboration with Beta Film. Piodor Gustafsson (C More) and Jani Hartikainen (MTV Finland) will serve as the project’s executive producers. The project will be filmed on location in Finland, Sweden and Estonia, and the water scenes will be shot in the water tank sets in Brussels.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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