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Daniel Hever gira Some Birds


- László Szacsvay e Lilla Kizlinger sono i protagonisti del primo lungometraggio del regista ungherese, prodotto da Filmfabriq e 235 e venduto da NFI World Sales

Daniel Hever gira Some Birds
(sx-dx) Il regista Daniel Hever, il produttore László Dreissiger e la sceneggiattrice Zsanett Kertész sul set di Some Birds (© Norbert Domokos)

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Having kicked off on 20 September, Hungarian director Daniel Hever, who spent time at the American Film Institute and whose previous works include the short films Children of Love and The Black Dog, is now shooting his first feature film Some Birds.

Leading the cast of this movie - which tells the tale of a friendship transcending age barriers - we find seasoned actor László Szacsvay (with over 50 years’ worth of supporting roles behind him, including in Paw) and Lilla Kizlinger (awarded the Silver Bear for Best Supporting Performance in Berlin 2021, thanks to Forest – I See You Everywhere [+leggi anche:
scheda film

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Written by Zsanett Kertész, the story revolves around Béla (László Szacsvay) who feels like the world is conspiring against him when his son places him in a nursing home. Here, they cross paths with wild Zoe (Lilla Kizlinger) who has been sentenced to community service for a fight. While Zoé desperately tries to connect with her single mother, Béla wants to prove he can live independently so that he can go home. Despite the almost sixty-year gap between them, their similarities and loneliness turn them into allies.

Some Birds is produced by László Dreissiger on behalf of Filmfabriq and by 235, in co-production with Sparks, with the movie enjoying further support from the National Film Institute’s Incubator programme. The 25-day film shoot, unfolding in Budapest (in a retirement home in the Csilleberc neighbourhood) and on the banks of Lake Balaton, will wrap on 26 October, with Marcell Nagy heading up photography. Sales are steered by NFI World Sales.

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