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Alejandro Marín gira il suo debutto, Te estoy amando locamente


- Ana Wagener e Omar Banana sono i protagonisti del lungometraggio a tema LGTBI ambientato negli anni '70 a Siviglia

Alejandro Marín gira il suo debutto, Te estoy amando locamente
L'attore Omar Banana e l'attrice Ana Wagener sul set di Te estoy amando locamente (© Julio Vergne)

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Alejandro Marín (director of the series Maricón perdido) is currently shooting his first feature film between Seville and Barcelona, with the same title as a song released in 1974 by the former Spanish duo Las Grecas: Te estoy amando locamente, the story of a mother capable of anything - and, above all, of overcoming her prejudices - for the love of her son. It stars Ana Wagener (The Realm [+leggi anche:
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and, more recently, Las niñas de cristal and the series Intimidad [+leggi anche:
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), Omar Banana (known the series Paquita Salas, Reyes de la noche, Sin novedad [+leggi anche:
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and Express) and Alba Flores (the series Money Heist and Maricón perdido).

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

Written by Marín, the story takes place in the Andalusian city in 1977, in a sad and dark historical moment in Spain when homosexuality was still considered a crime, as in the recently ended dictatorship of Franco. It is here where Reme, a traditional mother moved by the love of her son - a teenage aspiring artist - will get involved in the Andalusian LGBTI movement, paradoxically born within the Church.

The filmmaker states that "Te estoy amando locamente [+leggi anche:
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is about a mother from Seville involved in the homosexual movement of the seventies. Paradoxically, this very specific and unique plot was based on a universal story: a mother who is willing to do anything for the love she feels for her son.”

A graduate in directing from the Cinema and Audiovisual School of Catalonia (ESCAC), in 2016 Alejandro Marín directed the short film Laborable, which was selected in many Spanish festivals. A year later came Nacho no conduce, which won the award for best short film at the Malaga Film Festival, at Mostra Fire! In Barcelona and at Film Week in Medina del Campo, among others.

After participating in the collective feature film La filla d'algú [+leggi anche:
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(2019), starring Aina Clotet and awarded in the Zonazine section of the Malaga Film Festival, in 2021 he premiered the series Maricón perdido. The series received a positive response from some sectors of the critics and the public, as well as nominations for the Feroz, Forqué and Fotogramas de Plata awards, finally winning the Ondas for the best national comedy series.

Te estoy amando locamente is produced by Escándalo FilmsEscac Estudio, Zeta Studios and La Pepa Films, with financing from ICAA and the participation of RTVE, Movistar Plus+ and Canal Sur. It will be distributed in Spanish cinemas by Filmax.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

(Tradotto dallo spagnolo)

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